

  1. 带有Neo4j版本的Neo4j桌面IDE-3.5.17
  2. Java版本8
  3. 空间0.26.2-neo4j-3.5.2






不确定,如果这个问题得到解决,但我能够将shapefile导入数据库。我的配置->Neo4j 3.5.20Java版本9neo4j空间-0.26.2形状文件的来源->https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2019/shp/(我猜你也在使用同一个文件(。确保所有像prj、dbf这样的文件都在同一目录下。(其neo4j仓(


> Directories in use:
>   home:         /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20
>   config:       /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/conf
>   logs:         /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/logs
>   plugins:      /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/plugins
>   import:       /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/import
>   data:         /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/data
>   certificates: /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/certificates
>   run:          /root/neo4j-enterprise-3.5.20/run
> Starting Neo4j.
> WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:14.593+0000 INFO  ======== Neo4j 3.5.20 ========
> 2020-12-29 12:13:14.603+0000 INFO  Starting...
> 2020-12-29 12:13:15.666+0000 INFO  Initiating metrics...
> 2020-12-29 12:13:15.667+0000 WARN  Exporting tool have been configured to report values to but no metrics were enabled. Disabling kernel metrics extension.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:30.513+0000 INFO  Bolt enabled on
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.455+0000 INFO  Started.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.619+0000 INFO  Mounted REST API at: /db/manage
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.679+0000 INFO  Loaded server plugin "SpatialPlugin"
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.681+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.addSimplePointLayer: add a new layer specialized at storing simple point location data
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.681+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.addNodesToLayer: adds many geometry nodes (about 10k-50k) to a layer, as long as the nodes contain the geometry information appropriate to this layer.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.681+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.findClosestGeometries: search a layer for the closest geometries and return them.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.681+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.addGeometryWKTToLayer: add a geometry specified in WKT format to a layer, encoding in the specified layers encoding schemea.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.findGeometriesWithinDistance: search a layer for geometries within a distance of a point. To achieve more complex CQL searches, pre-define the dynamic layer with addCQLDynamicLayer.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.addEditableLayer: add a new layer specialized at storing generic geometry data in WKB
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.addNodeToLayer: add a geometry node to a layer, as long as the node contains the geometry information appropriate to this layer.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.addCQLDynamicLayer: add a new dynamic layer exposing a filtered view of an existing layer
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.getLayer: find an existing layer
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.findGeometriesInBBox: search a layer for geometries in a bounding box. To achieve more complex CQL searches, pre-define the dynamic layer with addCQLDynamicLayer.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:33.682+0000 INFO    GraphDatabaseService.findGeometriesIntersectingBBox: search a layer for geometries intersecting a bounding box. To achieve more complex CQL searches, pre-define the dynamic layer with addCQLDynamicLayer.
> 2020-12-29 12:13:35.085+0000 INFO  Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/
**> info | inserted geometries: 56**
**> info | elapsed time in seconds: 0.329**


> neo4j> match (n) return count(n);
> +----------+
> | count(n) |
> +----------+
> | 0        |
> +----------+
> 1 row available after 152 ms, consumed after another 0 ms
> neo4j>
> neo4j> call spatial.importShapefile("cb_2019_us_state_500k.shp");
> info | inserted geometries: 56
> info | elapsed time in seconds: 0.338
> +-------+
> | count |
> +-------+
> | 56    |
> +-------+
> 1 row available after 978 ms, consumed after another 0 ms
> neo4j> match (n) return count(n);
> +----------+
> | count(n) |
> +----------+
> | 60       |
> +----------+
> 1 row available after 27 ms, consumed after another 1 ms
neo4j> call db.labels();
| label           |
| "ReferenceNode" |

match (n) return (n) limit 2;
| n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| (:ReferenceNode {name: "spatial_root"})                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| ({index_class: "org.neo4j.gis.spatial.index.LayerRTreeIndex", gtype: 6, layercrs: "GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",
SPHEROID["GRS_1980", 6378137.0, 298.257222101]],
PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0],
UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
AXIS["Longitude", EAST],
AXIS["Latitude", NORTH]]", ctime: 1609244499209, layerprops: ["ID", "STATEFP", "STATENS", "AFFGEOID", "GEOID", "STUSPS", "NAME", "LSAD", "ALAND", "AWATER"], geomencoder: "org.neo4j.gis.spatial.WKBGeometryEncoder", layer_class: "org.neo4j.gis.spatial.EditableLayerImpl", layer: "cb_2019_us_state_500k"}) |
