元素隐式具有'any'类型,因为类型 'string' 的表达式不能用于索引 Angular 中的类型


error TS7053: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'ICar'. 
No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'ICar'.


created: null
id: "124545484822"
details: {
name: "Ford focus"
number: "128888"
status: "working"
usedFrom: null
usedUntil: null
created: null
id: "99525484827"
details: {
name: "Honda Accord"
number: "598402"
status: "working"
usedFrom: null
usedUntil: null


getCarProperty = (obj: ICar, path: string): any => {
if (path.indexOf('.') > -1) {
return path.split('.').reduce((o: ICar, p: string) => {
return o && o[p]; <----- HERE IS THE ISSUE
}, obj);
return Array.from(path).reduce((o: ICar, p: string) => {
return o && o[p]; <------ Here is the issue
}, obj);

details.name属性通过path参数时,我可以得到name属性的值(例如"Ford focus"one_answers"Honda Accord"(。


export interface IDetail {
name: string;
number: string;
export interface IContract {
created: string;
id: string;
detail: IDetail;
status: string;
usedFrom: string;
usedUntil: string;

我尝试应用不同的解决方案,如[propName askeyofICar]或设置泛型类型,但都没有成功。那么,这里出了什么问题?




getCarProperty = (obj: ICar, path: string): any => {
if (path.indexOf('.') > -1) {
return path.split('.').reduce((o: any, p: string) => {
return o && o[p];
}, obj);
return Array.of(path).reduce((o: any, p: string) => {
return o && o[p];
}, obj);


function getCarProperty(obj: ICar, path: string): any {
type CarOrDetailType = ICar | IDetail; // <-- All the possibilities for the reduce `previousValue` callback parameter. If the ICar interface changes, you might need to adjust this.
type CarOrDetailKey = keyof CarOrDetailType;
if (path.indexOf('.') > -1) {
const typedPath = path.split('.') as Array<CarOrDetailKey>;
return typedPath.reduce((o: CarOrDetailType, p: CarOrDetailKey): any => {
return o && o[p];
}, obj);
const typedPath = Array.of(path) as Array<CarOrDetailKey>;
return typedPath.reduce((o: CarOrDetailType, p: CarOrDetailKey) => {
return o && o[p];
}, obj);


  • 您的模拟数据在每个属性后都没有comas,因此它没有有效的语法
  • 您在字符串上使用了Array.from(path),但可能想要Array.of(path)
