


public class Recipe_MAIN {

public String recipeName;
private int servings;
ArrayList<Ingredient_MAIN> recipeIngredients = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<String> recipeInstructions;
private double totalRecipeCalories;

// Creating accessors and mutators for the instance variables
* @param recipeName 
public void setRecipeName(String recipeName){
this.recipeName = recipeName;
* @return recipeName
public String getRecipeName(){
return recipeName;
* @param servings 

public void setServings(int servings){
this.servings = servings;
* @return servings
public int getServings(){
return servings;
* @param recipeIngredients 

public void setRecipeIngredients(ArrayList<Ingredient_MAIN> recipeIngredients){
this.recipeIngredients = recipeIngredients;
* @return 
public ArrayList<Ingredient_MAIN> getRecipeIngredients(){
return recipeIngredients;
* @param recipeInstructions 
public void setRecipeInstructions(ArrayList<String> recipeInstructions) {
this.recipeInstructions = recipeInstructions;
* @return 
public ArrayList<String> getRecipeInstructions() {
return recipeInstructions;
* @param totalRecipeCalories 

public void setTotalRecipeCalories(int totalRecipeCalories){
this.totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories;
public double getTotalRecipeCalories(){
return totalRecipeCalories;

// Now we build the constructors one to create a new object and one to overload the constructor

public Recipe_MAIN(){
this.recipeName = "";
this.servings = 0;
this.recipeIngredients = new ArrayList();
this.recipeInstructions = new ArrayList();
this.totalRecipeCalories = 0;


public Recipe_MAIN(String recipeName, int servings,ArrayList<String>       recipeInstructions, ArrayList<Ingredient_MAIN> recipeIngredients, double totalRecipeCalories){
this.recipeName = recipeName;
this.servings = servings;
this.recipeIngredients = recipeIngredients;
this.recipeInstructions = recipeInstructions;
this.totalRecipeCalories = totalRecipeCalories;
public void addInstructions() {

String instruction = "";

boolean addMoreInstructions = true;

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

do {
System.out.println("Please enter an instruction or type 'end' if you are finished entering instructions: ");
instruction = scnr.nextLine();

if (instruction.toLowerCase().equals("end")) {

addMoreInstructions = false;

else {

addMoreInstructions = true;

} while (addMoreInstructions == true);              

// Print recipe method 
public void printRecipe(){
double singleServingCalories = (totalRecipeCalories / servings);
System.out.println("Here is the information associated with you recipe: ");
System.out.println("Recipe: "+ recipeName);
System.out.println("This recipe serves: "+ servings);
System.out.println("These are the ingredients you entered: "+ recipeIngredients);

for (int i = 0; i < recipeIngredients.size(); i++) {  //For loop to print each array member
Ingredient_MAIN ingredient = recipeIngredients.get(i);
System.out.println("Each Serving Has " + singleServingCalories + " Calories.");


public static Recipe_MAIN addNewRecipe(){
double totalRecipeCalories = 0;
ArrayList<Ingredient_MAIN> recipeIngredients = new ArrayList();

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Please enter the name of the recipe: ");
String recipeName = scnr.nextLine();

System.out.println("Please enter the number of servings for this recipe: ");
int servings = Integer.parseInt(scnr.nextLine());

// Using a do,While loop to add more ingreadients like in Stepping stone 4


System.out.println("Please enter the ingredient name or type 'end' if you are finished: ");
String ingredientName = scnr.nextLine();

//addMoreIngredients = false;
} else {
System.out.println("Please Enter the Unit of measurement for this Ingredient, Please only select from the following options: ");
System.out.println("Cups, Tbsp, Tsp, Grams");
String unitMeasurement = "";
unitMeasurement = scnr.nextLine();
if ((unitMeasurement.equalsIgnoreCase("Cups")) || (unitMeasurement.equalsIgnoreCase("Tbsp")) || (unitMeasurement.equalsIgnoreCase("Tsp")) || (unitMeasurement.equalsIgnoreCase("Grams"))){
System.out.println("You have selected " + unitMeasurement);
} else {
System.out.println("Please enter one of the preceding options.");

System.out.println("Please enter the number of units of " + ingredientName + " required (between 1 and 100): ");

float ingredientAmount;
ingredientAmount = Float.parseFloat(scnr.nextLine());

if ((ingredientAmount >= 1)&& (ingredientAmount <= 100)){
System.out.println("The amount you entered " + ingredientAmount + " is a valid amount!");
} else if (ingredientAmount < 1) {
System.out.println(ingredientAmount + " is less than 1, sorry you are out of attempts.");
} else {
System.out.println(ingredientAmount + " is greater than 100, sorry you are out of attempts.");

System.out.println("Please enter the calories per unit of the ingredient " + ingredientName + " (between 1 and 2000 calories): ");
int numberOfCaloriesPerUnit;
numberOfCaloriesPerUnit = Integer.parseInt(scnr.nextLine()); 

if ((numberOfCaloriesPerUnit >=1 )&& (numberOfCaloriesPerUnit <= 2000)){
System.out.println(numberOfCaloriesPerUnit + " is a valid number of calories!");
} else if (numberOfCaloriesPerUnit < 1){
System.out.println(numberOfCaloriesPerUnit + " is less than 1. Sorry, you are out of attempts."); 
} else {
System.out.println(numberOfCaloriesPerUnit + " is greater than 2000. Sorry, you are out of attempts.");

float totalCalories = ingredientAmount * numberOfCaloriesPerUnit;

System.out.println(ingredientName + " uses " + ingredientAmount + " number of " + unitMeasurement + "'s" + " which contains " + totalCalories + " total calories.");
System.out.println("Ingredient has been successfully added.");

Ingredient_MAIN ing = new Ingredient_MAIN(ingredientName, unitMeasurement,ingredientAmount, numberOfCaloriesPerUnit, totalCalories);
totalRecipeCalories += totalCalories;


Recipe_MAIN recipe1 = new Recipe_MAIN(recipeName, servings,recipeInstructions, recipeIngredients, totalRecipeCalories);
return recipe1;

初始化Recipe_MAIN recipe1时参数的顺序错误。


Recipe_MAIN recipe1 = new Recipe_MAIN(recipeName, servings,recipeInstructions, recipeIngredients, totalRecipeCalories);


public Recipe_MAIN(String recipeName, int servings, ArrayList<Ingredient_MAIN> recipeIngredients,ArrayList<String> recipeInstructions, double totalRecipeCalories)

CCD_ 5和CCD_。您可能希望在构造函数或recipe1定义中更改它们。