



2022 281 08 48 14 876 10                1.00       NOTSAMPLED          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 876 10          NOTSAMPLED             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 876 10          NOTSAMPLED       NOTSAMPLED                1.00
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11                1.00       NOTSAMPLED          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11          NOTSAMPLED             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11          NOTSAMPLED       NOTSAMPLED                1.00
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12                1.00       NOTSAMPLED          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12          NOTSAMPLED             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12          NOTSAMPLED       NOTSAMPLED                1.00


2022 281 08 48 14 876 10                1.00       0.0     1.0
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11                1.00       0.0     1.0
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12                1.00       0.0     1.0


2022 281 08 48 14 876 10                1.00       NOTSAMPLED          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 876 10          NOTSAMPLED             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 880 10          NOTSAMPLED       NOTSAMPLED               10.00
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11                1.00       NOTSAMPLED          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11          NOTSAMPLED             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 395 11          NOTSAMPLED       NOTSAMPLED               11.00
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12                1.00       NOTSAMPLED          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12          NOTSAMPLED             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 900 12          NOTSAMPLED       NOTSAMPLED               12.00


2022 281 08 48 14 876 10                1.00             0.00          NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 880 10                1.00             0.00               10.00
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11                1.00             0.00               10.00
2022 281 08 48 15 395 11                1.00             0.00               11.00
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12                1.00             0.00               11.00
2022 281 08 48 15 900 12                1.00             0.00               12.00



#! /bin/bash
awk '
NR == 1 { split($0, filldown) }
for (i = 6; i <= NF; i++)
if ($i != "NOTSAMPLED")
filldown[i] = $i
$i = filldown[i]
' $inp_filename`


2022 281 08 48 14 876 10 1.00 NOTSAMPLED NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 876 10 1.00 0.00 NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 876 10 1.00 0.00 1.00
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11 1.00 0.00 NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11 1.00 0.00 NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11 1.00 0.00 1.00
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12 1.00 0.00 NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12 1.00 0.00 NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12 1.00 0.00 1.00


awk '
function print_values(  j) {
if (FNR>1) {
printf "%s", ts_prev                # print previous date/time stamp
for (j=8;j<=NF;j++)                 # loop through sensor values and append to current line of output
printf "%s%s", OFS, (values[j]=="" ? "NOTSAMPLED" : values[j])
print ""                            # terminate current line of output
ts_prev = ts_curr
{ gsub(/r/,"")                         # per comment from OP, need to remove windows/dow line endings
ts_curr=$1                            # save date/time stamp of current line
for (i=2;i<=7;i++)
ts_curr = ts_curr FS $i
if (ts_curr != ts_prev)               # if this is a new date/time stamp then ...
print_values()                    # print previous date/time stamp and associated sensor values
for (i=8;i<=NF;i++)                   # loop through values and ...
if ($i != "NOTSAMPLED")           # if a valid value then ...
values[i]=$i                   # save the value
END { print_values() }                      # flush last date/time stamp to stdout
' sensor.dat


2022 281 08 48 14 876 10 1.00 0.00 NOTSAMPLED
2022 281 08 48 14 880 10 1.00 0.00 10.00
2022 281 08 48 15 391 11 1.00 0.00 10.00
2022 281 08 48 15 395 11 1.00 0.00 11.00
2022 281 08 48 15 896 12 1.00 0.00 11.00
2022 281 08 48 15 900 12 1.00 0.00 12.00


awk -v ns=NOTSAMPLED '
BEGIN {a[0]=ns; a[1]=ns; a[2]=ns}
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if ($(NF-i) == ns) {
$(NF-i) = a[2-i]
else {
a[2-i] = $(NF-i)
}' myfile


awk -v n="NOTSAMPLED" '
FNR==NR && filled != 3 {
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if ($(NF-i) != n && a[2-i] == "") {
a[2-i] = $(NF-i)
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if ($(NF-i) == n) {
$(NF-i) = a[2-i]
else {
a[2-i] = $(NF-i)
}' myfile myfile

输出用一个空格分隔所有列。如果您想要更长的空白,只需使用适当的格式字符串(如printf "...%20s%20s%20sn", ...,$8,$9,$10(将print更改为printf


  • 扫描每一行,为每一列保留一个最新有效样本的数组。

  • NOTSAMPLED替换为数组中的值。如果字段有效的,请更新相应的数组元素。
