


in[8] = { ... }
out = { in[0]+in[2],  in[1]+in[3],  in[4]+in[6],  in[5]+in[7] }



bits = { 0, 2 }


比特的长度可以在1log2(length(in))的范围内。CCD_ 10的长度为CCD_。这意味着out可以和in一样大,或者一半大,或者四分之一大,等等



  • A:根据@RobertCrovella的例子,在每个块的独占全局内存上使用原子,然后在块之间减少
  • B:让每个线程直接原子地写入全局内存
  • C:让线程写入块本地共享内存,并最终将它们原子化地减少为全局内存




__global__ void myfunc_kernel(double* in, inLen, double* out, ...) {

// each thread handles one element of 'in'
int inInd = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (inInd >= inLen)
// determine 'outInd' from other args
int outInd = ...

// atomically add directly to out global memory (vs all threads)
atomicAdd(&out[outInd], in[inInd]);
void myfunc(double* in, int inLen, double* out,  ...) {
// copy unspecified additional args into device memory (shared, if fits)
double d_in = ...
// create global memory for final output (initialised to zero)
double d_out = ...
cudaMemset(d_out, 0, ...);

// allocate one thread per element of 'in'
int numThreadsPerBlock = 128;
int numBlocks = ceil(inLen / (double) numThreadsPerBlock);
myfunc_kernel<<numBlocks, numThreadsPerBlock>>(d_in, inLen, d_out, ...);
// copy output to host, and clean up
cudaMemcpy(out, d_out, ...);



__global__ void myfunc_kernel(double* in, int inLen, double* out, ...) {

// each thread handles one element of 'in'
int inInd = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (inInd >= inLen)
// each block has a local copy of 'out', in shared memory
extern __shared__ double outBlock[];

// efficiently initialise shared memory to zero
// (looped in case fewer threads than outLen)
for (int i=threadIdx.x; i<outLen; i+=blockDim.x)
outBlock[i] = 0;
// determine 'outInd' from other args
int outInd = ...

// atomically contribute thread's 'in' value to block shared memory
// (vs other threads in block)
atomicAdd(&outBlock[outInd], in[inInd]);
// keep one (or fewer) thread(s) per output element alive in each block
if (threadIdx.x >= outLen)
// remaining threads atomically reduced shared memory into global
// (looped in-case fewer threads than 'outLen')
for (int i=threadIdx.x; i<outLen; i+=blockDim.x)
// (vs all surviving threads)
atomicAdd(&out[i], outBlock[i]);
/* This final reduction may be possible in parallel/tiers,
* though documentation & examples about reducing shared memory
* between blocks is disappointingly scarce
void myFunc(double* in, int inLen, double* out, int outLen, ...) {

// if 'out' cannot fit in each block's shared memory, error and quit
if (outLen > 4096)

// copy unspecified additional args into device memory
double d_in = ...
// create global memory for final output (initialised to zero)
double d_out = ...
cudaMemset(d_out, 0, ...);

// allocate one thread per element of 'in'
int numThreadsPerBlock = 128;
int numBlocks = ceil(inLen / (double) numThreadsPerBlock);
// allocate shared memory to fit 'out' in each block
size_t mem = outLen * sizeof(double);
myfunc_kernel<<numBlocks, numThreadsPerBlock, mem>>(d_in, inLen, d_out, ...);
// copy output to host, and clean up
cudaMemcpy(out, d_out, ...);




__global__ void myfunc_populate_kernel(double* in, int inLen, double* outs, int outLen, ...) {

// each thread handles one element of 'in'
int inInd = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (inInd >= inLen)
// determine 'outInd' from other args
int outInd = ...
// map to this block's exclusive subarray in global memory
int blockOutInd = blockIdx.x*outLen + outInd;

// atomically contribute thread's 'in' value to block's global memory
// (vs threads in same block)
atomicAdd(&outs[outInd], in[inInd]);
__global__ void myfunc_reduce_kernel(double* out, double* outs, int outLen, int numOuts) {
// each thread handles one element of 'out'
int outInd = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (outInd >= outLen)

// and determines it by reducing previous per-block partitions
double total = 0;
for (int n=0; n<numOuts; n++)
total += outs[outInd + n*outLen];
out[outInd] = total;
void myfunc(double* in, int inLen, double* outs, int outLen, ...) {

int numThreadsPerBlock = 128;
int numPopBlocks = ceil(inLen / (double) numThreadsPerBlock);

// if #numPopBlocks copies of 'out' cannot fit in global memory, error and exit
if (outLen * numPopBlocks > ...)
// copy unspecified additional args into device memory (shared, if fits)
double d_in = ...
// create a working 'out' for each block, in global memory (init to zero)
size_t mem = outLen * numPopBlocks * sizeof(double);
double d_outs = ...
cudaMalloc(&d_outs, mem);
cudaMemset(d_out, 0, mem);

// populate each blocks partition of global memory 'd_outs'
myfunc_populate_kernel<<numPopBlocks, numThreadsPerBlock>>(d_in, inLen, d_outs, outLen, ...);
// create global memory for final output
double d_out = ...
// reduce each blocks partition of global memory into output 'd_out'
int numReduceBlocks = ceil(outLen / (double) numThreadsPerBlock);
myfunc_reduce_kernel<<numReduceBlocks, numThreadsPerBlock>>(d_out, d_outs, outLen, numPopBolocks);
//copy output to host, and clean up
cudaMemcpy(out, d_out, ...);


我用Quadro P6000(24GB,6.1 CC)、inLen = 2^5, 2^10, 2^15, 2^20, 2^25和(所有值)outLen = m2^5, 2^10, 2^15(outLen <= inLen)测试了这些方法。下面是一个运行时表:

║  inLen   ║ outLen  ║  A       ║  B       ║  C       ║
║       32 ║      32 ║ 0.000067 ║ 0.000071 ║ 0.000039 ║
║     1024 ║      32 ║ 0.000244 ║ 0.000044 ║ 0.000071 ║
║     1024 ║    1024 ║ 0.000265 ║ 0.000043 ║ 0.000064 ║
║    32768 ║      32 ║ 0.000290 ║ 0.000077 ║ 0.000080 ║
║    32768 ║    1024 ║ 0.000287 ║ 0.000059 ║ 0.000096 ║
║    32768 ║   32768 ║ 0.000762 ║ 0.000111 ║ N/A      ║
║  1048576 ║      32 ║ 0.000984 ║ 0.000793 ║ 0.000254 ║
║  1048576 ║    1024 ║ 0.001381 ║ 0.000343 ║ 0.002302 ║
║  1048576 ║   32768 ║ 0.017547 ║ 0.000899 ║ N/A      ║
║  1048576 ║ 1048576 ║ N/A      ║ 0.006092 ║ N/A      ║
║ 33554432 ║      32 ║ 0.021068 ║ 0.022684 ║ 0.008079 ║
║ 33554432 ║    1024 ║ 0.032839 ║ 0.008190 ║ 0.014071 ║
║ 33554432 ║   32768 ║ 0.013734 ║ 0.011915 ║ N/A      ║


║ outLen/inLen ║ A/B  ║ C/B ║
║            1 ║ 0.9  ║ 0.5 ║
║           32 ║ 5.5  ║ 1.6 ║
║            1 ║ 6.2  ║ 1.5 ║
║         1024 ║ 3.8  ║ 1.0 ║
║           32 ║ 4.9  ║ 1.6 ║
║            1 ║ 6.9  ║     ║
║        32768 ║ 1.2  ║ 0.3 ║
║         1024 ║ 4.0  ║ 6.7 ║
║           32 ║ 19.5 ║     ║
║            1 ║      ║     ║
║      1048576 ║ 0.9  ║ 0.4 ║
║        32768 ║ 4.0  ║ 1.7 ║
║         1024 ║ 1.2  ║     ║



  • 注意,虽然共享内存在内核的第一次执行时似乎被初始化为零,但在随后的执行中不会被重新初始化。因此,您必须在内核中手动重新初始化(没有方便的CUDA函数)
  • atomicAdd缺少double类型的重载。该文档声称这仅适用于计算能力<60,但我的代码不会在没有手动过载的情况下使用我的62 CC GPU进行编译。此外,文档中#if __CUDA_ARCH__ < 600的代码片段是错误的,因为较新的arch预编译器没有定义__CUDA_ARCH__。在此处查看正确的宏
  • 请注意,您在线查看的流行的并行归约范式会假设所有数据都在全局内存中,或者在单个块的共享内存中。将共享内存简化为全局结构似乎很深奥


为了让感兴趣的读者更好地理解out访问模式,以下是如何从每个线程中确定bitInd的,其中(在组合的所有块之间)有inLen。注意,实际的索引类型是long long int,因为inLenoutLen都可以和2^30 = 1073741824一样大

__global__ void myfunc_kernel(
double* in, int inLen, double* out, int* bitInds, int numBits
) {
long long int inInd = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (inInd >= inLen)
// determine the number encoded by bits {bitInds} of inInd
long long int outInd = 0;
for (int b=0; b<numBits; b++) {
int bit = (inInd >> bitInds[b]) & 1;
outInd += bit * (1LL << b);


  • 如果bitInds = {0, 1, ..., n-1}(从0连续增加),则outInd = inInd % 2^n,并且我们的内核(次优)执行in的连续分区的减少
  • 如果是bitInds = {n, n+1, n+2, ..., log2(inLen)-1},那么是outInd = floor(inInd / 2^(log2(inLen) - n)),或者简单地说是outInd = floor(inInd 2^n / inLen)

然而,如果bitInds是索引{0, ..., log2(inLen)-1}的任意有序子集,则必须根据如上所述的每个比特来确定outInd
