
  • 本文关键字:消息 解密 打印 3行 c++ testing encryption
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :

我很难打印我的结果。我正在使用一个铁路围栏密码密钥N,其中规定了列的数量。N =列数,但在我的代码中,我使它默认= 3。我的条件是当明文写入时,每个字母在列上的垂直位置的顺序在一个重复的循环中左右变化然后在列

int main()
int num_cols, num_spaces=0 ,f=0;

string message;

// accept the message from the user
cout<<" Enter the message to encrypt : ";

// first we need to remove any spaces that might be there in the message
for(int i = 0 ; i<message.size(); ++i)
if(message[i] == ' ')
remove(message.begin(), message.end(),' ');
message.resize(message.size() - num_spaces);

cout<<"n The equivalent cipher text would be : "<<endl;
vector<vector<char>> matrix(3,vector<char>(message.size(),' '));

// encrypt the message
for(int i=0,j=0; i<message.size(); i++)
matrix[j][i] = message[i];
if(j == 3-1)
else if(j==0)
else j--;

// Printing the grid
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
for (int j = 0; j < message.size(); j++) 
cout << matrix[i][j];
cout << endl;

return 0;
// end


// Printing the grid
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].size(); j++)
if (matrix[i][j] != ' ')
std::cout << matrix[i][j];


std::cout << "nn";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].size(); j++)
std::cout << matrix[i][j];
std::cout << 'n';








#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// Please specify the number of rails:
constexpr size_t NumberOfRails = 5u;
constexpr char EmptyRailPosition = '.';
constexpr char UsedRailPosition = '*';
// Some aliases for easier writing and understanding
using Rail = std::vector<char>;
using Rails = std::vector<Rail>;
std::string clearText{ "abcd efgh ijkl mnopqrst uv wxyz" };
int main() {
// Remove all spaces from string
clearText.erase(std::remove_if(clearText.begin(), clearText.end(), ::isspace), clearText.end());
// Create the rails for the encryption
Rails encryptedRails(NumberOfRails, Rail(clearText.length(), EmptyRailPosition));
// Now encrypt
int railIndexIncrementor{ -1 };
size_t railIndex{};
// Go thorugh all characters in the clear string
for (size_t columnIndexInClearText{}; columnIndexInClearText < clearText.length(); ++columnIndexInClearText) {
// Write character on rail
encryptedRails[railIndex][columnIndexInClearText] = clearText[columnIndexInClearText];
// If we are at the top or at the bottom of our rails, then change direction
if (0 == (columnIndexInClearText % (NumberOfRails-1))) 
railIndexIncrementor = -railIndexIncrementor;

// Modify rail index. Increment or decrement. Depending on railIncrementor
railIndex = static_cast<int>(railIndex) + railIndexIncrementor;

// Here we will store the encrypted message
std::string encryptedMessage{};
// Show rails
std::cout << "nRails: nn";
for (const Rail& rail : encryptedRails) {
for (const char c : rail) {
std::cout << c;
// Build string with encrypted message
if (c != EmptyRailPosition) encryptedMessage += c;
std::cout << 'n';
// Show encrypted message
std::cout << "nnEncrypted message: nn" << encryptedMessage << "nn";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Decryption

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build empty rails
Rails decryptedRails(NumberOfRails, Rail(clearText.length(), '.'));
railIndexIncrementor = -1;
railIndex = 0;
// Go through all necessary positions in the decryption rails
for (size_t columnIndexInEncryptedText{}; columnIndexInEncryptedText < encryptedMessage.length(); ++columnIndexInEncryptedText) {
// Write makrker on rail
decryptedRails[railIndex][columnIndexInEncryptedText] = UsedRailPosition;
// If we are at the top or at the bottom of our rails, then change direction
if (0 == (columnIndexInEncryptedText % (NumberOfRails - 1)))
railIndexIncrementor = -railIndexIncrementor;
// Modify rail index. Increment or decrement. Depending on railIncrementor
railIndex = static_cast<int>(railIndex) + railIndexIncrementor;
// Show rails with markers
std::cout << "nnRails with markers: nn";
for (const Rail& rail : decryptedRails) {
for (const char c : rail)  std::cout << c;
std::cout << 'n';
// Now exchange the markers with the characters of the encrypted string
size_t indexInEncryptedMessage{};
// Now, put a character from the string at positions with marker
for (Rail& rail : decryptedRails)
for (char& c : rail)
if (c == UsedRailPosition) c = encryptedMessage[indexInEncryptedMessage++];
// Show rails with replaced markers
std::cout << "nRails with replaced markers, so decrypted rails:nn";
for (const Rail& rail : encryptedRails) {
for (const char c : rail)  std::cout << c;
std::cout << 'n';

// Read back string from rails
railIndexIncrementor = -1;
railIndex = 0;
std::string decrytpedMessage{};
// Go through all necessary positions in the decryption rails
for (size_t columnIndexInEncryptedText{}; columnIndexInEncryptedText < encryptedMessage.length(); ++columnIndexInEncryptedText) {
// Read character from rail
decrytpedMessage += decryptedRails[railIndex][columnIndexInEncryptedText];
// If we are at the top or at the bottom of our rails, then change direction
if (0 == (columnIndexInEncryptedText % (NumberOfRails - 1)))
railIndexIncrementor = -railIndexIncrementor;
// Modify rail index. Increment or decrement. Depending on railIncrementor
railIndex = static_cast<int>(railIndex) + railIndexIncrementor;
// and, show decrypted message
std::cout << "nnDecypted message:nn" << decrytpedMessage << "nn";

return 0;
