

//maxLength of circut board is the board 
let theHighestMaxLength = 10;
let board;
let gridX = 10;
let gridY = 10;
let perX = 10;
let perY = 10;
//s is here so we don't have to pass it everywhere the square we are looking at in functions
let s=null;
//length and usedsquares and begin are here to be used across functions
let length=0;
let usedSquares=0;
let begin=null;
class Asquare {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.isCircut = false;
this.isWire = false;
this.OtherCircut = null;
this.Left = null;
this.Right = null;
this.Top = null;
this.Bottom = null;
this.otherCircut = null;
this.isBlank = false;
drawSelf() {
if (this.isCircut) {
var xx = max(this.otherCircut.x, this.x);
var yy = max(this.otherCircut.y, this.y);
fill(color(xx * 25, yy * 25, 0));
square((this.x + 0.5) * perX, (this.y + 0.5) * perY, perX);
else if (this.isWire) {
fill(color(this.otherCircut.x * 20, this.otherCircut.y * 20, 0));
circle((this.x + 0.5) * perX, (this.y + 0.5) * perY, perX);
else if (this.isBlank) {
fill(color(0, 204, 0))
circle((this.x + 0.5) * perX, (this.y + 0.5) * perY, perX);
function handleWireMove(){
s.isWire = true;
//remember the starting circut
s.otherCircut = begin;
//the length is used
function informAll() {
//tell all the other squares of s
if (s.x - 1 >= 0) {
board[s.x - 1][s.y].Right = s;
if (s.x + 1 < gridX) {
board[s.x + 1][s.y].Left = s;
if (s.y - 1 >= 0) {
board[s.x][s.y - 1].Bottom = s;
if (s.y + 1 < gridY) {
board[s.x][s.y + 1].Top = s;
//the used squares is now higher
function setup() {
createCanvas(gridX * perX, gridY * perY);
//fill the board with squares
board = new Array(gridX).fill(0).map(() => new Array(gridY).fill(0));
for (var x = 0; x < gridX; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < gridY; y++) {
board[x][y] = new Asquare(x, y);
//the number of squares in the grid used
usedSquares = 0;
//till the board is full
while (usedSquares < gridX * gridY) {
//get a random x y
var rx = floor(random(gridX));
var ry = floor(random(gridY));
//create an s and begin var s for every nw square and begin for the first
s = board[rx][ry];
//if this square is already in use
//begin at this square
begin = s;
//if there is some way to go
if (s.Left == null || s.Right == null || s.Top == null || s.Bottom == null) {
// get a random length to try and reach
var maxLength = floor(random(1, theHighestMaxLength))
//the starting length
length = 0;
begin.isCircut = true;
//inform all the surounding squares and increase the number of used 
//while the length isn't full
while (length <= maxLength) {
//add an option count for left right top botoom 
var numOption = s.Left == null ? 1 : 0;
numOption = s.Right == null ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
numOption = s.Top == null ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
numOption = s.Bottom == null ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
//if there are no toptions to move we must stop here ot if the maxLength is reached
if (numOption == 0 || length == maxLength) {
//this is a circut the beigin circut is begin the begin other circut is this final one
s.isCircut = true;
s.isWire = false;
s.otherCicut = begin;
begin.otherCircut = s;
//make sure the loop ends
//pick a random direction number
var randomChoiseNumber = floor(random(numOption));
//if left is an option
if (s.Left == null) {
//if r is already 0 that means we picked left
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while left is an option and the maxlength isn't hit and left isn't off the map
while (s.Left == null && length < maxLength && s.x - 1 >= 0) {
//set s to the left
s = board[s.x - 1][s.y];
//handleWireMove the move
//continue we used the direction
} else {
//we passed an option reduce the number
//if right is an option
if (s.Right == null) {
//if this is the zero choice
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//if right is not off the map and an option while the length is not hit
while (s.Right == null && length < maxLength && s.x + 1 < gridX) {
//set s to right
s = board[s.x + 1][s.y];
//handleWireMove the move
} else {
//reduce the number as we passed an option
//if top is an option
if (s.Top == null) {
//if this is the zero option
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while top is a choise and the length is not reached and top is not off the map
while (s.Top == null && length < maxLength && s.y - 1 >= 0) {
//move to the top
s = board[s.x][s.y - 1];
//handleWireMove the move
//continue the direction is used up
} else {
//we passed a number reduce the choise number
//if bottom is an option
if (s.Bottom == null) {
//if this is the zero option
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while bottom is a choise and the length is not reached and it is not off the map
while (s.Bottom == null && length < maxLength && s.y + 1 < gridY) {
//go to the bottom
s = board[s.x][s.y + 1];
//handleWireMove the move
else {
//if there was no way to go the square is blank tell the others and increace usedSquares
s.isBlank = true;

function drawAll() {
board.forEach(a => a.forEach(b => b.drawSelf()));
function draw() {
background(gridX * perX);



下面的代码被修改了一些额外的日志记录,它变得明显的无限循环在哪里(它最终永远打印'we failed to make a choice. that is not good'):

//the number of squares in the grid used
usedSquares = 0;
//till the board is full
while (usedSquares < gridX * gridY) {
//get a random x y
var rx = floor(random(gridX));
var ry = floor(random(gridY));
//create an s and begin var s for every nw square and begin for the first
s = board[rx][ry];
//if this square is already in use
if (s.isBlank || s.isCircut || s.isWire) {
//begin at this square
begin = s;
//if there is some way to go
if (
s.Left == null ||
s.Right == null ||
s.Top == null ||
s.Bottom == null
) {
// get a random length to try and reach
var maxLength = floor(random(1, theHighestMaxLength));
//the starting length
length = 0;
begin.isCircut = true;
//inform all the surounding squares and increase the number of used
//while the length isn't full
console.log('beggining inner loop');
while (length <= maxLength) {
//add an option count for left right top botoom
var numOption = s.Left == null ? 1 : 0;
numOption = s.Right == null ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
numOption = s.Top == null ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
numOption = s.Bottom == null ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
//if there are no toptions to move we must stop here ot if the maxLength is reached
if (numOption == 0 || length == maxLength) {
//this is a circut the beigin circut is begin the begin other circut is this final one
s.isCircut = true;
s.isWire = false;
s.otherCicut = begin;
begin.otherCircut = s;
//make sure the loop ends
console.log('no options, abort');
length = 9999;
//pick a random direction number
var randomChoiseNumber = floor(random(numOption));
//if left is an option
if (s.Left == null) {
//if r is already 0 that means we picked left
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while left is an option and the maxlength isn't hit and left isn't off the map
while (s.Left == null && length < maxLength && s.x - 1 >= 0) {
//set s to the left
s = board[s.x - 1][s.y];
//handleWireMove the move
//continue we used the direction
} else {
//we passed an option reduce the number
//if right is an option
if (s.Right == null) {
//if this is the zero choice
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//if right is not off the map and an option while the length is not hit
while (s.Right == null && length < maxLength && s.x + 1 < gridX) {
//set s to right
s = board[s.x + 1][s.y];
//handleWireMove the move
} else {
//reduce the number as we passed an option
//if top is an option
if (s.Top == null) {
//if this is the zero option
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while top is a choise and the length is not reached and top is not off the map
while (s.Top == null && length < maxLength && s.y - 1 >= 0) {
//move to the top
s = board[s.x][s.y - 1];
//handleWireMove the move
//continue the direction is used up
} else {
//we passed a number reduce the choise number
//if bottom is an option
if (s.Bottom == null) {
//if this is the zero option
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while bottom is a choise and the length is not reached and it is not off the map
while (s.Bottom == null && length < maxLength && s.y + 1 < gridY) {
//go to the bottom
s = board[s.x][s.y + 1];
//handleWireMove the move
console.log('we failed to make a choice. that is not good');

console.log('exited inner loop');
} else {
//if there was no way to go the square is blank tell the others and increace usedSquares
s.isBlank = true;


//maxLength of circut board is the board
let theHighestMaxLength = 10;
let board;
let gridX = 10;
let gridY = 10;
let perX = 10;
let perY = 10;
//s is here so we don't have to pass it everywhere the square we are looking at in functions
let s = null;
//length and usedsquares and begin are here to be used across functions
let length = 0;
let usedSquares = 0;
let begin = null;
class Asquare {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.isCircut = false;
this.isWire = false;
this.OtherCircut = null;
this.Left = null;
this.Right = null;
this.Top = null;
this.Bottom = null;
this.otherCircut = null;
this.isBlank = false;
drawSelf() {
if (this.isCircut) {
var xx = max(this.otherCircut.x, this.x);
var yy = max(this.otherCircut.y, this.y);
fill(color(xx * 25, yy * 25, 0));
square((this.x + 0.5) * perX, (this.y + 0.5) * perY, perX);
} else if (this.isWire) {
fill(color(this.otherCircut.x * 20, this.otherCircut.y * 20, 0));
circle((this.x + 0.5) * perX, (this.y + 0.5) * perY, perX);
} else if (this.isBlank) {
fill(color(0, 204, 0));
circle((this.x + 0.5) * perX, (this.y + 0.5) * perY, perX);
function handleWireMove() {
s.isWire = true;
//remember the starting circut
s.otherCircut = begin;
//the length is used
function informAll() {
//tell all the other squares of s
if (s.x - 1 >= 0) {
board[s.x - 1][s.y].Right = s;
if (s.x + 1 < gridX) {
board[s.x + 1][s.y].Left = s;
if (s.y - 1 >= 0) {
board[s.x][s.y - 1].Bottom = s;
if (s.y + 1 < gridY) {
board[s.x][s.y + 1].Top = s;
//the used squares is now higher
function setup() {
createCanvas(gridX * perX, gridY * perY);
//fill the board with squares
board = new Array(gridX).fill(0).map(() => new Array(gridY).fill(0));
for (var x = 0; x < gridX; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < gridY; y++) {
board[x][y] = new Asquare(x, y);
//the number of squares in the grid used
usedSquares = 0;
//till the board is full
while (usedSquares < gridX * gridY) {
//get a random x y
var rx = floor(random(gridX));
var ry = floor(random(gridY));
//create an s and begin var s for every nw square and begin for the first
s = board[rx][ry];
//if this square is already in use
if (s.isBlank || s.isCircut || s.isWire) {
//begin at this square
begin = s;
//if there is some way to go
if (
s.Left == null ||
s.Right == null ||
s.Top == null ||
s.Bottom == null
) {
// get a random length to try and reach
var maxLength = floor(random(1, theHighestMaxLength));
//the starting length
length = 0;
begin.isCircut = true;
//inform all the surounding squares and increase the number of used
//while the length isn't full
console.log('beggining inner loop');
while (length <= maxLength) {
//add an option count for left right top botoom
var numOption = s.Left == null && s.x - 1 >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
numOption = s.Right == null && s.x + 1 < gridX ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
numOption = s.Top == null && s.y - 1 >= 0 ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
numOption = s.Bottom == null && s.y + 1 < gridY ? numOption + 1 : numOption;
//if there are no toptions to move we must stop here ot if the maxLength is reached
if (numOption == 0 || length == maxLength) {
//this is a circut the beigin circut is begin the begin other circut is this final one
s.isCircut = true;
s.isWire = false;
s.otherCicut = begin;
begin.otherCircut = s;
//make sure the loop ends
console.log('no options, abort');
length = 9999;
//pick a random direction number
var randomChoiseNumber = floor(random(numOption));
//if left is an option
if (s.Left == null && s.x - 1 >= 0) {
//if r is already 0 that means we picked left
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while left is an option and the maxlength isn't hit and left isn't off the map
while (s.Left == null && length < maxLength && s.x - 1 >= 0) {
//set s to the left
s = board[s.x - 1][s.y];
//handleWireMove the move
//continue we used the direction
} else {
//we passed an option reduce the number
//if right is an option
if (s.Right == null && s.x + 1 < gridX) {
//if this is the zero choice
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//if right is not off the map and an option while the length is not hit
while (s.Right == null && length < maxLength && s.x + 1 < gridX) {
//set s to right
s = board[s.x + 1][s.y];
//handleWireMove the move
} else {
//reduce the number as we passed an option
//if top is an option
if (s.Top == null && s.y - 1 >= 0) {
//if this is the zero option
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while top is a choise and the length is not reached and top is not off the map
while (s.Top == null && length < maxLength && s.y - 1 >= 0) {
//move to the top
s = board[s.x][s.y - 1];
//handleWireMove the move
//continue the direction is used up
} else {
//we passed a number reduce the choise number
//if bottom is an option
if (s.Bottom == null && s.y + 1 < gridY) {
//if this is the zero option
if (randomChoiseNumber == 0) {
//while bottom is a choise and the length is not reached and it is not off the map
while (s.Bottom == null && length < maxLength && s.y + 1 < gridY) {
//go to the bottom
s = board[s.x][s.y + 1];
//handleWireMove the move
console.log('we failed to make a choice. that is not good');
console.log('exited inner loop');
} else {
//if there was no way to go the square is blank tell the others and increace usedSquares
s.isBlank = true;
function drawAll() {
board.forEach((a) => a.forEach((b) => b.drawSelf()));
function draw() {
background(gridX * perX);
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