
我想要子字符串或拆分为编号为&使用Java或Java 8/9

"9 music recordings; Music files to download. 38 Providing access to music databases and to MP3 websites. 41 Organization of live musical events; Music publishing services; conducting music events; composing music for others; live entertainment production; live performances by musical bands; musical performances; music production; composing music; Operating a music recording studio."


List(0) object: number = 9 ,description = music recordings; Music files to download. 
List(1) object: number = 38 ,description = Providing access to music databases and to MP3 websites.
List(2) object: number = 41 ,description = Organization of live musical events; Music publishing services; conducting music events; composing music for others; live entertainment production; live performances by musical bands; musical performances; music production; composing music; Operating a music recording studio.




class A {
public A(int num, String description);


String str = ...
String[] strings = str.split("."); // the \ is so the regex engine doesn't think it's a wildcard character
for (String elem : strings) {
elements = elem.split(" ", 2); // the 2 is so that it only splits into two strings on the first space
int number = Integer.valueOf(elements[0]);
A object = A(number, elements[1]); // do what you want with the object, add it to an array, whatever
