

  • 返回:包含指定字符串的10个产品名称。如果有多个产品具有相同的名称,则在产品名称中添加生产者名称,格式为"<producer> - <product>"否则只返回"<product>"



struct Product {
let id: String; // unique identifier
let name: String;
let producer: String;
protocol Shop {
func addNewProduct(product: Product) -> Bool
func deleteProduct(id: String) -> Bool

func listProductsByName(searchString: String) -> Set<String>

func listProductsByProducer(searchString: String) -> [String]
class ShopImpl: Shop {

private var goodsInTheShopDictionary: [String: Product] = [:]

func addNewProduct(product: Product) -> Bool {
let result = goodsInTheShopDictionary[product.id] == nil
if result {
goodsInTheShopDictionary[product.id] = product
return result

func deleteProduct(id: String) -> Bool {
let result = goodsInTheShopDictionary[id] != nil
if result {
goodsInTheShopDictionary.removeValue(forKey: id)
return result

func listProductsByName(searchString: String) -> Set<String> {
var result = Set<String>()

let searchedItems = goodsInTheShopDictionary.filter{ $0.value.name.contains(searchString) }
let resultArray = searchedItems.map{ $0.value }

result = Set(searchedItems.map{ $0.value.name })
if result.count > 10 {
return result





var result = [(producer: String, product: String)]()
// iterate over the first 10 results
for item in resultArray.prefix(10){
if let index = result.firstIndex(where: { _ , product in
product == item.name
// the result array allready contains the exact product name
// so we need to convert the name allready in the list
let oldProduct = (producer: result[index].producer, product: "(result[index].producer) (result[index].product)")
result[index] = oldProduct
// add the new one
result.append((producer: item.producer, product: "(item.producer) (item.name)"))
else if !result.filter({ $0.product.components(separatedBy: " ").contains(item.name)}).isEmpty {
// if the result array allready contains a modified version of the name
result.append((producer: item.producer, product: "(item.producer) (item.name)"))
} else{
// if the result array does not contain the product yet
result.append((producer: item.producer, product: "(item.name)"))
let productNames = result.map{ $0.product}

请注意:由于您使用的是[String: Product],这是一个未排序的字典,以保存您的值,这将产生不同的结果(如果resultArray集合大于10)每次搜索。

searchString = name1测试:

var goodsInTheShopDictionary: [String: Product] = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: (0...20).map { index in
("(index)",Product(id: "", name: "name(index)", producer: "producer(index)"))
goodsInTheShopDictionary["100"] = Product(id: "11", name: "name1", producer: "producer11")
goodsInTheShopDictionary["101"] = Product(id: "12", name: "name1", producer: "producer12")


["name13", "producer12 name1", "name10", "name19", "producer11 name1",name17", "name14", "name18", "producer1 name1", "name16"]


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