c# for循环跳过一步





public static float Calculation(float i)
float result = (float)(4 * Math.PI * Math.Pow(i, 3) / 3);
//Return the result
return result;
static void Main(string[] args)
//Declare the result variable in the main method
float result = 0;
//Ask the user to input a number
Console.WriteLine("Please input a number:");
int radius = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//For loop, that runs until i is lesser than or equals to the radius that the user input
for(int i = 0; i <= radius; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"The Sphere's volume with radius {i} is {result}n");
//Setting the result by calling the Calculation method and setting the radius to the current i value in the loop
result = Calculation(i);


The Sphere's volume with radius 0 is 0
The Sphere's volume with radius 1 is 0
The Sphere's volume with radius 2 is 4,1887903
The Sphere's volume with radius 3 is 33,510323
The Sphere's volume with radius 4 is 113,097336
The Sphere's volume with radius 5 is 268,08258
The Sphere's volume with radius 6 is 523,59875
The Sphere's volume with radius 7 is 904,7787
The Sphere's volume with radius 8 is 1436,755
The Sphere's volume with radius 9 is 2144,6606
The Sphere's volume with radius 10 is 3053,6282


//For loop, that runs until i is lesser than or equals to the radius that the user input
for(int i = 0; i <= radius; i++)
//Setting the result by calling the Calculation method and setting the radius to the current i value in the loop
result = Calculation(i);
Console.WriteLine($"The Sphere's volume with radius {i} is {result}n");


