


我不能使用hubspot表单,也不能使用联系人API来创建一个当提交发生在注册弹出窗口时,因为我们需要正确的原始联系人来源。如果我们使用hubspot API或第三方集成,原始源将离线。


我们的网站是基于React, NextJs和Chakra UI。


确保您已经浏览了此列表以排除列出的任何问题。如果仍然发现表单没有提交,则可能需要使用HS API来提交表单数据。我怀疑,由于您试图在登录/注册页面上捕获,密码字段可能会阻止表单捕获,或者您的电子邮件字段未设置为type="email">

Form is not enclosed in <form> tags.
Form is contained inside <iframe> tags.
Form has JavaScript bound to the form submit event or submit button click event. This is how the tool captures submissions and any other events, and can prevent HubSpot from knowing when submissions occur.
Form was introduced after the page completed loading. The tool scans the page as soon as it loads and listens to submissions on forms that were present at that point.
Form is on a single-page app. In most single-page apps, the HTML is not loaded when navigating to another page. As a result, HubSpot cannot capture these form submissions. 
Form contains a sensitive field, such as credit card number.
Form contains hidden fields. The tool does not collect information from any hidden fields.
The email field is not an email type input, as in: <input type="email">.
Form is not using a standard <input type="submit"> button for its form submission. The form must have a standard <input type="submit"> button to capture submissions.

https://knowledge.hubspot.com/forms/pop-up-forms-and-non-hubspot-forms-faq do-non-hubspot-forms-work-with-my-form-builder
