
我在一台相当不错的Windows 10 PC上使用MS Visual c++ 6.0(根据我的工作需要)。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>    //for setprecision and fixed
using namespace std;  
int readResults()
cout << setprecision(2);
cout << "Scanned Value: ";
double vrrm(0.0);
cin >> vrrm;
return vrrm;
int main()
double vrrm ( readResults() );
double vrwm ( readResults() );
double vr   ( readResults() );
double vrms ( readResults() );
double io   ( readResults() );
double vfm  ( readResults() );
cout << "nParameters tScanned Values  t Limits ttUnit" << endl;
cout << "Vrmm t t" << fixed << setprecision (2) << vrrm << " ttt 45.00 - 50.00 ttV" << endl;
cout << "Vrwm t t" << fixed << setprecision (2) << vrwm << " ttt 45.00 - 50.00 ttV" << endl;
cout << "Vr t t"   << fixed << setprecision (2) << vr   << " ttt 45.00 - 50.00 ttV" << endl;
cout << "Vrms t t" << fixed << setprecision (2) << vrms << " ttt 33.00 - 37.00 ttV" << endl;             
cout << "Io t t"   << fixed << setprecision (2) << io   << " ttt 00.90 - 1.50  ttA" << endl;
cout << "Vfm t t"  << fixed << setprecision (2) << vfm  << " ttt 00.95 - 1.05  ttV" << endl;
cout << endl;

if ( vrrm >= 45.00  &&  vrrm <= 50.00  &&
vrwm >= 45.00  &&  vrwm <= 50.00  &&
vr >= 45.00    &&  vr <= 50.00    &&
vrms >= 33.00  &&  vrms <= 37.00  && 
io >= 0.90     &&  io <= 1.50     &&
vfm >= 0.95    &&  vfm <= 1.05       )

cout << "PASS" << endl << endl;

cout << "FAIL" << endl << endl;
return 0;


Scanned Value: 49.98
Scanned Value: 49.99
Scanned Value: 49.85
Scanned Value: 35.01
Scanned Value: 0.99
Scanned Value: 1.01
Parameters      Scanned Values           Limits                 Unit
Vrmm            49.00                    45.00 - 50.00          V
Vrwm            49.00                    45.00 - 50.00          V
Vr              49.00                    45.00 - 50.00          V
Vrms            35.00                    33.00 - 37.00          V
Io              0.00                     00.90 - 1.50           A
Vfm             1.00                     00.95 - 1.05           V
Press any key to continue

我尝试将Vrrm初始化为0.0(如此处所示),甚至尝试将其乘以1.00,如Can't get cout显示小数,但我相信它不适用于我在这里写的内容-仍然不会显示小数点后的值。


我这周刚开始学习c++, Alex的教程在教育我方面做得非常棒,他的作品是我现在的参考:https://www.learncpp.com/.

