
  • 本文关键字:语言 2个 scanf 返回 不需要 c scanf
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1    int count, sum, max, input;
2    count = 1;
3    sum = 0;
4    input = 0;
5    printf("This program will find the sum of your given 
6          input of an integer.n");
7    printf("Please enter the number you would like the sum 
8          of: ");
9    scanf("%d", &max, &input);
10   while (count <= max){
11        sum = sum + count;
12        count++;
13    }
14    printf("The sum of %d is %d.n", input, sum);
15    printf("==To exit the program, please enter anything, 
16          then press enter==");
17    scanf("%d");
18    return;


编辑:我知道第9行没有意义,但这就是我遇到问题的地方。我已经见过scanf("%d%d", &var, &var);,但这需要用户有两个输入。我只需要一个输入。换句话说,如果用户输入一个数字,我希望只有一个输入可以同时进入maxinput




scanf("%d", &max);
input = max;

我认为你不需要声明一个额外的变量' input ';(因为max的值在你的代码中永远不会改变。)


1    int count, sum, max;  //removed input
2    count = 1;
3    sum = 0;
4                    //removed input
5    printf("This program will find the sum of your given 
6          input of an integer.n");
7    printf("Please enter the number you would like the sum 
8          of: ");
9    scanf("%d", &max);
10   while (count <= max){
11        sum = sum + count;
12        count++;
13    }
14    printf("The sum of %d is %d.n", max, sum); //replaced input by max
15    printf("==To exit the program, please enter anything, 
16          then press enter==");
17    scanf("%d");
18    return;
