结果<T> - 如果结果出错,则引发异常以触发 Polly 重试




private async Task RunAsync(Uri uri)
await ConnectAsync(uri);
var result = await ConnectAsync(uri);
if (result.IsFaulted)
// Cannot access result.Exception because it's internal
_ = result.IfFail(ex =>
_logger.LogError(ex, "Error while connecting to the endpoint");
throw ex;
private async Task<Result<Unit>> ConnectAsync(Uri uri)
if (_ws is not null)
return new Result<Unit>(new InvalidOperationException("The websocket client is already connected"));
var ws = Options.ClientFactory();
using var connectTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource(Options.Timeout);
await ws.ConnectAsync(uri, connectTimeout.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new Result<Unit>(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to connect to the endpoint"));
await _connectedEvent.InvokeAsync(new ConnectedEventArgs(uri));
_ws = ws;
IsRunning = true;
return Unit.Default;



var retryPolicy = Policy<Result<Unit>>
.HandleResult(r => r.IsFaulted)

您只需使用IsFaulted == true处理结果,而不需要自己抛出异常。


this.policy = Policy
.TimeoutAsync(ctx => ((MyContext)ctx).Timeout)
.HandleResult<Result<string>>(result => result.IsFaulted)
.WaitAndRetryForeverAsync( // Will get stopped by the total timeout. Fits as many retries as possible.
(retry, _) => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retry / 2d),
(result, retry, wait, _) => result.Result.IfFail(
exception => this.logger.Error(exception ?? result.Exception, "Error! {Retry}, {Wait}", retry, wait)
var policyResult = await this.policy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
async (_, ct1) => await Prelude
.MapAsync(async _ => await this.SendAsync(mimeMessage, ct1))
new MyContext(timeout),
return policyResult.Result.Match(
_ => policyResult.Outcome == OutcomeType.Failure
? new InfrastructureException("Error!", policyResult.FinalException).ToResult<Unit>()
: Unit.Default,
e => new InfrastructureException("Error!", e).ToResult<Unit>()
public static class LangExtExtensions
[Pure, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
public static TryAsync<T> TryAsync<T>(this Task<T> self) => Prelude.TryAsync(self);
[Pure, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
public static TryAsync<T> TryAsyncSucc<T>(this T self) => Prelude.TryAsyncSucc(self);
[Pure, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
public static TryAsync<T> TryAsyncFail<T>(this Exception self) => Prelude.TryAsyncFail<T>(self);
[Pure, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
public static Try<T> TrySucc<T>(this T self) => Prelude.TrySucc(self);
[Pure, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
public static Try<T> TryFail<T>(this Exception self) => Prelude.TryFail<T>(self);
[Pure, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
public static Result<T> ToResult<T>(this Exception self) => new(self);




public ctor()
this.policy = Policy
// There will be no exceptions thrown outside the TryAsync monad
// Handling faulted results only is enough
.HandleResult<Result<string>>(result => result.IsFaulted)
(retry, _) => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retry / 2d),
(result, retry, wait, _) => result.Result.IfFail(
exception => this.logger.Error(exception ?? result.Exception, "Error! {Retry}, {Wait}", retry, wait)
public Task<Result<Unit>> RetryAsync()
var uri = ...;
var policyResult = await this.policy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
async (_, ct1) => await this.ConnectAsync(uri) // Should use CancellationToken!
.MapAsync(async _ => await this.RunAsync(ct1))
.Do(result => this.logger.Log(result))
new Context(),
return policyResult.Result.Match(
_ => policyResult.Outcome == OutcomeType.Failure
? new Exception("Retries did not complete successfully", policyResult.FinalException).ToResult<Unit>()
: Unit.Default,
e => new Exception("Error even after retries", e).ToResult<Unit>()
private Task<string> RunAsync(CancellationToken ct = default)
// Logic here
return "Success"
private TryAsync<Unit> ConnectAsync(Uri uri)
if (_ws is not null)
return new InvalidOperationException("...").TryAsyncFail<Unit>();

return Prelude
.TryAsync(async () => {
var ws = Options.ClientFactory();
using var connectTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource(Options.Timeout);
await ws.ConnectAsync(uri, connectTimeout.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
return ws;
.Do(async ws => {
await _connectedEvent.InvokeAsync(new ConnectedEventArgs(uri));
_ws = ws;
IsRunning = true;
.Map(_ => Unit.Default);
// The _ws is long-lived so you can move dispose logic to here
// and let service lifetime handle that for you.
// You might want to add checks for being connected to the code above too
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
if(_ws is { IsConnected: true })
await _ws.DisconnectAsync();
await _ws?.DisposeAsync();

