如何 jest.mock "git-simple"分支本地函数?


import simpleGit from 'simple-git';
* The function returns the ticket Id, is presents, in the branch name
* @returns ticket Id
export const getTicketIdFromBranchName = async (ticketRegex: RegExp) => {
const git = simpleGit();
try {
const localBranches = await git.branchLocal();
const currentBranch = localBranches.current;
const currentBranchTicketMatches = currentBranch.match(ticketRegex);
if (currentBranchTicketMatches) {
return currentBranchTicketMatches[0];
return null;
} catch {
return null;


import { getTicketIdFromBranchName } from '@/utils/git-info';
const TICKET_ID_REGEX = /((?<!([A-Z]{1,10})-?)[A-Z]+-d+)/.source;
describe('[utils/git-info]', () => {
it('getTicketIdFromBranchName | Function should proper ticket Id when there is one', async () => {
const ticketId = 'CLO-1234';
jest.mock('simple-git', () => {
const mGit = {
branchLocal: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ current: `${ticketId} DUMMY TEST` })),
return jest.fn(() => mGit);
const result = await getTicketIdFromBranchName(new RegExp(TICKET_ID_REGEX));
expect(result === ticketId).toEqual(true);




注意:为了正确模拟,Jest 需要jest.mock('moduleName')require/import语句处于同一范围内。


在测试用例函数中使用require('moduleName')await import('moduleName')require/importjest.mock()语句的顺序无关紧要。


import simpleGit from 'simple-git';
* The function returns the ticket Id, is presents, in the branch name
* @returns ticket Id
export const getTicketIdFromBranchName = async (ticketRegex) => {
const git = simpleGit();
try {
const localBranches = await git.branchLocal();
const currentBranch = localBranches.current;
const currentBranchTicketMatches = currentBranch.match(ticketRegex);
if (currentBranchTicketMatches) {
return currentBranchTicketMatches[0];
return null;
} catch {
return null;


const TICKET_ID_REGEX = /((?<!([A-Z]{1,10})-?)[A-Z]+-d+)/.source;
describe('[utils/git-info]', () => {
it('getTicketIdFromBranchName | Function should proper ticket Id when there is one', async () => {
const { getTicketIdFromBranchName } = await import('./git-info');
const ticketId = 'CLO-1234';
() => {
const mGit = {
branchLocal: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ current: `${ticketId} DUMMY TEST` })),
return jest.fn(() => mGit);
{ virtual: true }
const result = await getTicketIdFromBranchName(new RegExp(TICKET_ID_REGEX));
expect(result === ticketId).toEqual(true);


PASS  stackoverflow/71808909/git-info.test.js (7.439 s)
✓ getTicketIdFromBranchName | Function should proper ticket Id when there is one (6892 ms)
File         | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s 
All files    |   84.62 |       50 |     100 |   81.82 |                   
git-info.js |   84.62 |       50 |     100 |   81.82 | 19-21             
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        8.215 s, estimated 9 s

软件包版本:"jest": "^26.6.3"
