如何在Excel VBA中检测单元格是否具有受保护的格式

我有一些VBA代码,我想设置给定工作簿中符合某些条件的所有单元格的格式(前景((本质上是为了自动标记特定UDF的使用(。如果用户的工作簿中有受保护的工作表,他们可能(明智地(以允许格式化的方式对其进行了保护。如何检查(从表示单元格的VBA Range对象(任何给定工作表上的单元格是否适合进行格式编辑?




Sub MyProcedure()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim cl As Range

For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets

For Each cl In sht.UsedRange

On Error Resume Next

' Format the cell in a DIFFERENT procedure so that
' if an error occurs the rest of formatting lines are
' are not attempted (this is the key idea)
ApplyFormat cl

If Err.Description = "Application-defined or object-defined error" Then
Exit For
End If

Next cl

'* Either reset your error handling here if you have more code for each sheet
On Error GoTo 0

' ...more code

Next sht
'* Or eset you error handling here
On Error GoTo 0

' ...more code

End Sub
Sub ApplyFormat(cl As Range)
' apply your formatting here
End Sub



Sub testSheetProtectedLockedCells()
Dim sh As Worksheet, rng As Range
Set sh = ActiveSheet: Set rng = sh.Range("A2:C4")
'Just for testing: _________________________________________
rng.Locked = Not rng.Locked 'lock - unlock the range...
rng.cells(1, 1).Locked = Not rng.cells(1, 1).Locked ' lock-unlock one cell of the range
If Not sh.ProtectionMode Then
DoIt rng
If rng.Locked = False Then
DoIt rng
ElseIf IsNull(rng.Locked) Then
MsgBox "Cell(s) of the range """ & rng.address & """ are locked." & vbCrLf & _
"Please, unlock all the range and run the code again!", vbInformation, _
"Locked cells in the range to be processed..."
MsgBox "The range """ & rng.address & """ is locked." & vbCrLf & _
"Please, unlock it and run the code again!", vbInformation, _
"Locked range to be processed..."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub DoIt(rng As Range) 'do here the job you need...
Debug.Print rng.address, rng.Locked
End Sub
