


  • alt="尺寸:16作物:中作物">
  • alt=";尺寸:16作物:紧密作物">
  • alt=";尺寸:16裁剪:全身">
  • alt=";尺寸:8个作物:中等作物">
  • alt=";尺寸:8作物:紧密作物">
  • alt=";尺寸:8裁剪:全身
  • alt=";尺寸:0作物:中期作物">
  • alt=";大小:0裁剪:关闭裁剪">
  • alt=";尺寸:0裁剪:全身



function getImageProperty(image, property) {
const regex = new RegExp(`${property}: (.+)[]]`, 'g');
const matches = image.altText.match(regex);
return matches && matches[1];
* Returns a matching product image for provided size and crop.
const getMatchingImage = (images: size, crop) => {
return images.find(
(image) =>
getImageProperty(image, size) && getImageProperty(image, crop),


bsize: (.*?)(?=sw+:|$)


images = document.querySelectorAll('img')
properties = ['size', 'crop']
function getImageProperty(image, property) {
const regex = new RegExp(`\b${property}: (.*?)(?=\s\w+:|$)`)
const matches = image.getAttribute('alt').match(regex)
return matches && matches[1]
[...images].forEach((img, i) =>
properties.forEach(prop => console.log(`image ${i} ${prop} = ${getImageProperty(img,prop)}`))
<img alt="size: 16 crop: mid crop" />
<img alt="crop: close crop size: 16" />
<img alt="size: 16 crop: full body" />
<img alt="crop: mid crop size: 8" />
<img alt="size: 8 crop: close crop" />
<img alt="size: 8 crop: full body" />
<img alt="size: 0 crop: mid crop" />
<img alt="size: 0 crop: close crop" />
<img alt="crop: full body size: 0" />

格式"size: 16 crop: mid crop"是非决定性的,因为大小值后面没有分隔符,例如"size: 16, crop: mid crop"


const regex = new RegExp(`${property}: (\w+( (?!crop:)\w+)?)`);


const regex = new RegExp(`${property}: ([^,"]+)`);



function getImageProperty(image, property) {
const regex = new RegExp(`${property}: ([^,"]+)`);
const matches = image.altText.match(regex);
return matches && matches[1];
'size: 16, crop: mid crop',
'size: 16, crop: close crop',
'size: 16, crop: full body',
'size: 8, crop: mid crop',
'size: 8, crop: close crop',
'size: 8, crop: full body',
'size: 0, crop: mid crop',
'size: 0, crop: close crop',
'size: 0, crop: full body'
].forEach(str => {
let image = { altText: str };
+ 'n=> size: ' + getImageProperty(image, 'size')
+ 'n=> crop: ' + getImageProperty(image, 'crop')


altText.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1].trim()将返回大小

altText.split(':')[2].split(' ').join(' ').trim()将返回裁剪



function getMatchingImage(list, size, property) {
// set the output to null or some string initially
let output = [];
// iterate over the image elements
list.forEach((img, index) => {
// get the alt attribubtes string
const alt = img.altText
// use split for each targeted value size and crop at the colon
// then take the second indexed string and split again 
// at the second spaces index and trim any white space JIC
let altSize = alt.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1].trim()
// repeat split and get the third indexed string and again split using spaces 
// join the resulting remaining indexed strings and trim them
let altCrop = alt.split(':')[2].split(' ').join(' ').trim()
// conditional to check the image elements size and crop
// matches the passed values size and property
// if there is a match we push the value into an output array
altSize === size && altCrop === property ? output.push(list[index]) : null
// return an array of values
return output
// a method to display any matching images found
const displayFoundImage = (imgObjSrc) => {
// iterate over list of found images
imgObjSrc.map(imgObj => {
// search through database images 
return databaseImages.map(img => {
// is there a match?
if (img.src === imgObj.src) {
// create an image element
let imageEl = document.createElement('img')
// set image elements src and alt attribute values
imageEl.src = imgObj.src
imageEl.alt = img.altText
// append body and add image
const databaseImages = [{
src: "https://picsum.photos/100/100",
altText: "size: 16 crop: mid crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/101/100",
altText: "size: 16 crop: close crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/102/100",
altText: "size: 16 crop: full body"
src: "https://picsum.photos/103/100",
altText: "size: 8 crop: mid crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/104/100",
altText: "size: 8 crop: close crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/105/100",
altText: "size: 8 crop: full body"
src: "https://picsum.photos/106/100",
altText: "size: 8 crop: mid crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/107/100",
altText: "size: 8 crop: close crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/108/100",
altText: "size: 8 crop: full body"
src: "https://picsum.photos/109/100",
altText: "size: 0 crop: mid crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/110/100",
altText: "size: 0 crop: close crop"
src: "https://picsum.photos/111/100",
altText: "size: 0 crop: full body"
const foundImage = getMatchingImage(databaseImages, '8', 'full body')
