


// A node is a tuple of (left, value, right)
struct Node<T>(pub Tree<T>, pub T, pub Tree<T>);
// A tree is an optional pointer to a node
type Tree<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;


// Direct recursion.
// The <T: Copy> is needed because we copy values into
// the result vector. For other usages we might not need it
fn inorder<T: Copy>(t: &Tree<T>, res: &mut Vec<T>) {
// If t is not empty it is Some(node)
if let Some(node) = t {
// Pull out the values of the node.
// In the development branch of Rust there is
// a nicer syntax, but this is how it is now
let Node(left, val, right) = node.as_ref();
inorder(left, res);
inorder(right, res);


// Ideally, we wouldn't need to pass the vector along with the closures
// but Rust won't let us hold on to a mutable reference in a closure if
// another closure also has a mutable reference, so we pass the vector
// from continuation to continuation instead.
fn cps_rec<T: Copy>(t: &Tree<T>, res: &mut Vec<T>, 
k: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>)>)
match t {
None => { k(res) },
Some(node) => {
let Node(left, val, right) = node.as_ref();
let after_left = |v: &mut Vec<T>| { 
// After we have gone left, add v and go right, 
// calling k when we are done
cps_rec(right, v, k);
cps_rec(left, res, Box::new(after_left));
fn cps<T: Copy>(t: &Tree<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut res = vec![];
cps_rec(t, &mut res, Box::new(|_| ()));


问题出现在递归cps_rec(left, res, after_left)中,其中闭包的生存期与约束不匹配。(我想,我不能说我完全理解Rust在抱怨什么,但只要我把闭包的主体清空,问题就消失了,所以这是推断生命中的一些东西把事情搞砸了)。我最初怀疑是valright的一生在与我斗争,但在取消引用它们后,将move放在闭包前面并没有帮助

fn cps_rec<T: Copy>(t: &Tree<T>, res: &mut Vec<T>, 
k: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>)>)
match t {
None => { k(res) },
Some(node) => {
let Node(left, val, right) = node.as_ref();
let val = *val;
let right = *right;
let after_left = move |v: &mut Vec<T>| { 
// After we have gone left, add v and go right, 
// calling k when we are done
cps_rec(&right, v, k);
cps_rec(left, res, Box::new(after_left));




fn cps_rec<'a, T: Copy, Cont>(t: &'a Tree<T>, res: &'a mut Vec<T>, k: Cont)
where Cont: FnOnce(&'a mut Vec<T>)
match t {
None => { k(res) },
Some(node) => {
let Node(left, val, right) = node.as_ref();
let after_left = |v: &'a mut Vec<T>| { 
// After we have gone left, add v and go right, 
// calling k when we are done
cps_rec(right, v, k);
cps_rec(left, res, Box::new(after_left));




生存期问题是因为在明确指定了生存期的情况下,Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>)>实际上是Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>) + 'static>。也就是说,它要求闭包是'static。如果闭包捕获的所有内容都是'static,那么它就是静态的。当然,一个空的闭包满足了这个条件——它什么都不捕获,所以如果你清空它的主体,它就会起作用。


解决方案很简单:我们并不真正需要闭包是'static;即使它不会,我们也可以很好——我们不储存它或其他什么。为了向编译器表达这一点,我们需要将Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>)>更改为Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>) + '_>(操场)。就是这样。'_显式消隐的生存期:它告诉编译器";自己想一个合适的人生";。通常编译器会自动执行,但对于dyn Trait,他有时会放弃,只使用'static。根据寿命省略规则来推断寿命;在这种情况下,它引入了一个新的生命周期,就像我们写的那样:

fn cps_rec<'elided_lifetime, T: Copy>(
t: &Tree<T>,
res: &mut Vec<T>,
k: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>) + 'elided_lifetime>,
) { ... }

这里令人困惑的是编译器的错误消息。如果你按照编译器的建议,把T: 'static(操场):放进去,会更清楚

error: lifetime may not live long enough
--> src/
6  | fn cps_rec<T: Copy + 'static>(t: &Tree<T>, res: &mut Vec<T>, k: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Vec<T>)>) {
|                                  - let's call the lifetime of this reference `'1`
17 |             cps_rec(left, res, Box::new(after_left));
|                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cast requires that `'1` must outlive `'static`


但编译器有更重要的事情要告诉你(或者更确切地说,对你大喊大叫)。它认为:";假定闭包需要'static,那么这些引用显然是'static。这个用户没有骗我,他是个好公民"直到后来它才会意识到这是错误的,但它永远不会走到这一步;稍后的";因为它将由于之前的错误而停止编译。但到目前为止,它认为;如果这些参考文献显然是'static,则它们是&'static T(对于val,或者对于right&'static Option<Box<T>>)。但要使&'static T有效,T: 'static必须保持(想象一下像&'long &'short i32这样的引用:您可以为'long访问它,但只要'short结束,它就无效,您将使用悬挂引用!)。我能证明T: 'static总是成立吗?不!嗯,应该会发出一个错误"(您可以在上填写错误报告,Rust开发人员会很感激的,尽管我不确定他们能做多少来改善这种情况)。

为什么复制它们没有帮助?首先,编译器对它的思考方式没有改变,因此仍然会发出相同的错误。其次,即使我们可以解决它(例如通过指定T: 'static),也存在另一个错误(操场):

error[E0507]: cannot move out of `*right` which is behind a shared reference
--> src/
12 |             let right: Tree<T> = *right;
|                                  ^^^^^^ move occurs because `*right` has type `Option<Box<Node<T>>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider borrowing the `Option`'s content
12 |             let right: Tree<T> = *right.as_ref();
|                                        +++++++++
help: consider borrowing here
12 |             let right: Tree<T> = &*right;
|                                  ~~~~~~~


关于通用版本,你的假设确实是正确的:没有一种语言可以用单形式化做递归CPS,它们都使用动态调度(相当于Box<dyn FnOnce()>(或一些GCed版本),或&mut dyn FnMut()或类似的东西)。我们将不得不无限期地实例化它。
