为什么我的程序在使用了两个Else If语句一次后会跳过它们



points1 = 0
points2 = 0
total1 = 0
total2 = 0
player1 = input("Enter first player name: ")
player2 = input("Enter second player name: ")
while True:

descision = int(input("***n1-enter a new round winnern2-check who has the most winsn"))

if descision == 1:

player = input("Who has won this round?")

if player == player1:
total1 = points1 + 1
elif player == player2:
total2 = points2 + 1
elif int(descision) == 2 and total1 == 0 and total2 == 0:
print("No games played yet.")
elif int(descision) == 2 or total1 != 0 or total2 != 0:
if total1 > total2:
print(player1 + " has the most wins so far.")
elif total1 < total2:
print(player2 + " has the most wins so far")
elif str(descision) == "exit":


total1 = total1 + 1
total2 = total2 + 1
