while (b <)
## Require package "DescTools" for CorCI() function and install if not installed
if (!require('DescTools')) install.packages('DescTools'); library('DescTools')
my.function <- function(a, b, c = .8, d = .9){
n <- 2 ## Set counter at 2
upper <- 1 ## Set initial upper value to 1 so it will be greater than b
while (b < upper) {
n <- n + 1
CI1 <- CorCI(rho = a, n = n, conf.level = d, alternative = "two.sided")
CI2 <- CorCI(rho = unname(CI1[3]), n = n, conf.level = c, alternative = "less")
upper <- unname(CI2[3])
my.function(a = -.5, b = -.3)
## Require package "DescTools" for CorCI() function and install if not installed
if (!require('DescTools')) install.packages('DescTools'); library('DescTools')
my.function2 <- function(a, b, c = .8, d = .9){
n <- 2 ## start n counter at 2
lower <- -1 ## Set initial lower value to -1 so it will be less than b
while (b > lower) {
n <- n + 1
CI1 <- CorCI(rho = a, n = n, conf.level = d, alternative = "two.sided")
CI2 <- CorCI(rho = unname(CI1[2]), n = n, conf.level = c, alternative = "greater")
lower <- unname(CI2[2])
my.function2(a = .5, b = .3)
解决方案:根据Mohan Govindasamy的一个有用的评论,他指出unname(CI2[3])返回一个NaN,我仔细研究了CorCI代码,并意识到当N被设置为3(初始2 + 1)时,CorCI返回一个NaN作为置信区间,因为没有足够的值。因此,我只是将初始计数器改为n <- 5,而不是n <- 2,这就解决了问题!谢谢,莫汉!
## Require package "DescTools" for CorCI() function and install if not installed
if (!require('DescTools')) install.packages('DescTools'); library('DescTools')
my.function <- function(a, b, c = .8, d = .9){
n <- 5 ## Set counter at 5 instead of 2
upper <- 1 ## Set initial upper value to 1 so it will be greater than b
while (b < upper) {
n <- n + 1
CI1 <- CorCI(rho = a, n = n, conf.level = d, alternative = "two.sided")
CI2 <- CorCI(rho = unname(CI1[3]), n = n, conf.level = c, alternative = "less")
upper <- unname(CI2[3])
my.function(a = -.5, b = -.3)