


1. traverse the tree in any manner, say `DFS` or `BFS`
2. while travering nodes, keep checking the the current node is equivalent to the key string you are searching for.
2.1. compare each character of your search string with each character of current node's value.
2.2. if match found, process your result.
2.3. if not, continue with point 2. 
3. if all the nodes exhausted, you don't have any match. stop the algorithm.


O(N)* O(M) => O(NM)
N - nodes of your tree.
M - length of your node's value + length of your search key's value.
  1. 你可以遍历所有树级,并在每个关卡检查所有节点。树的深度相当于迭代次数。
  2. 你可以递归地到每个分支,并在找到节点时停止所有迭代(通过使用外部变量或标志)或如果没有子节点。
