
我正在进行一个实验,我有3个固定的相机同步记录一个人在有限的空间里进化(这是完全由每个相机的场覆盖)。我使用预训练的AI模型在每帧检测20多个姿势地标,代表每个视频中的数百个2D点。我的目标是使用OpenCV (Python)将这些地标表示为3D点云。我知道这在使用cv2.triangulatePoints()的2个摄像机的情况下是可行的。我使用这种方法为每个可能的相机对(相机1 -相机2,相机2 -相机3,…)获得一个3D点集。但这些集合似乎不容易合并在一起,因为它们是在不同的坐标系中表示的。我怎样才能"三角化"呢?使用来自3个摄像头的数据的3D点,而不是任意一对?


def getProjectionMat(pts_l, pts_r, K_l, K_r):
pts_l_norm = cv2.undistortPoints(np.expand_dims(pts_l, axis=1), cameraMatrix=K_l, distCoeffs=None)
pts_r_norm = cv2.undistortPoints(np.expand_dims(pts_r, axis=1), cameraMatrix=K_r, distCoeffs=None)
E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat(pts_l_norm, pts_r_norm, focal=1.0, pp=(0., 0.), method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=3.0)
points, R, t, mask = cv2.recoverPose(E, pts_l_norm, pts_r_norm)
M_r = np.hstack((R, t))
M_l = np.hstack((np.eye(3, 3), np.zeros((3, 1))))
P_l = np.dot(K_l,  M_l)
P_r = np.dot(K_r,  M_r)
return P_l, P_r, R, t  

def get3DPoints(points1, points2, P1, P2):
point_4d_hom = cv2.triangulatePoints(P1, P2, np.expand_dims(points1, axis=1), np.expand_dims(points2, axis=1))
point_4d = point_4d_hom / np.tile(point_4d_hom[-1, :], (4, 1))
return point_4d[:3, :].T
#ptpL1 are 2D points of camera 1, ptpL2 are corresponding points in camera 2, etc.
#K1, K2, etc. are intrinsic matrices
P1_1, P2_1, xR1, xt1=getProjectionMat(ptpL1, ptpL2, K1, K2) #projection between cams 1 and 2
P1_2, P2_2, xR2, xt2=getProjectionMat(ptpl2, ptpl3, K2, K3) #... between cams 2 and 3
P1_3, P2_3, xR3, xt3=getProjectionMat(ptpl1, ptpL3, K1, K3) #... between cams 1 and 3
#get2DPointForCam(x, markOfInterest) returns the 2D coordinates of the given landmark for cam x
for markOfInterest in marksOfInterest:
point2D1=get2DPointForCam(1, markOfInterest)
point2D2=get2DPointForCam(2, markOfInterest)
point2D3=get2DPointForCam(3, markOfInterest)
point3D1=get3DPoints(point2D1, point2D2, P1_1, P2_2)[0]
point3D2=get3DPoints(point2D2, point2D3, P1_2, P2_2)[0]
point3D3=get3DPoints(point2D1, point2D3, P1_3, P2_3)[0]
#problem : point3D1 and point3D3 are close, but point3D2 has a completely different value. Still, when projected onto camera2, it is well positionned.


def getProjectionMat(pts_l, pts_r, K_l, K_r):
pts_l_norm = cv2.undistortPoints(np.expand_dims(pts_l, axis=1), cameraMatrix=K_l, distCoeffs=None)
pts_r_norm = cv2.undistortPoints(np.expand_dims(pts_r, axis=1), cameraMatrix=K_r, distCoeffs=None)
E, mask = cv2.findEssentialMat(pts_l_norm, pts_r_norm, focal=1.0, pp=(0., 0.), method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=3.0)
points, R, t, mask = cv2.recoverPose(E, pts_l_norm, pts_r_norm)
M_r = np.hstack((R, t))
M_l = np.hstack((np.eye(3, 3), np.zeros((3, 1))))
P_l = np.dot(K_l,  M_l)
P_r = np.dot(K_r,  M_r)
return P_l, P_r, R, t  

def triangulate3DPoints(points1, points2, P1, P2):
point_4d_hom = cv2.triangulatePoints(P1, P2, np.expand_dims(points1, axis=1), np.expand_dims(points2, axis=1))
point_4d = point_4d_hom / np.tile(point_4d_hom[-1, :], (4, 1))
return point_4d[:3, :].T
def getPoseMatrixFromPNP(points3D, points2D, K):
_, vector_rotation, vector_translation = cv2.solvePnP(np.array(points3D), np.array(points2D), K, np.zeros((4,1)), flags=0)
matrix_rotation, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(vector_rotation)
return np.linalg.inv(np.vstack((np.hstack((matrix_rotation, vector_translation)), np.array([[0,0,0,1]]))))
def toHomogenous(vec):
return np.array([vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], 1])
def project_3D_point_to_2D(point_3D, P):
point_3D_homogeneous = np.hstack((point_3D, np.ones(1)))
point_2D_homogeneous = np.dot(P, point_3D_homogeneous.T).T
point_2D = point_2D_homogeneous[:2] / point_2D_homogeneous[2]
return point_2D
P1_1, P2_1, xR1, xt1=getProjectionMat(ptpL1, ptpL2, K1, K2)
P1_2, P2_2, xR2, xt2=getProjectionMat(ptpL2, ptpL3, K2, K3)
P1_3, P2_3, xR3, xt3=getProjectionMat(ptpL1, ptpL3, K1, K3)
marksOfInterest=[mp.solutions.pose.PoseLandmark.NOSE] #for example
#c12Dpoints, etc., will contain 2D coordinates of each landmark respectively for cam 1, 2 and 3
#resTriangulated  will contain 3D coordinates of each landmark, as estimated using cv2.triangulatePoints() between cams 1 and 2
for markOfInterest in marksOfInterest:
marks1=getSpecificLandMarks(landMarks1, markOfInterest)
marks2=getSpecificLandMarks(landMarks2, markOfInterest)
marks3=getSpecificLandMarks(landMarks3, markOfInterest)
for idFrame, e1 in enumerate(marks1):
e2 = marks2[idFrame]
e3 = marks3[idFrame]
if e1 is not None and e2 is not None and e3 is not None:
p1=[[e1.x*width, e1.y*height]]
p2=[[e2.x*width, e2.y*height]]
p3=[[e3.x*width, e3.y*height]]
triangulated=triangulate3DPoints(p1, p2, P1_1, P2_1)[0]
pose1=getPoseMatrixFromPNP(resTriangulated, c12Dpoints, K1)
pose2=getPoseMatrixFromPNP(resTriangulated, c22Dpoints, K2)
pose3=getPoseMatrixFromPNP(resTriangulated, c32Dpoints, K3)
for markOfInterest in marksOfInterest:
marks1=getSpecificLandMarks(landMarks1, markOfInterest)
marks2=getSpecificLandMarks(landMarks2, markOfInterest)
marks3=getSpecificLandMarks(landMarks3, markOfInterest)
for idFrame, e1 in enumerate(marks1):
e2 = marks2[idFrame]
e3 = marks3[idFrame]
if e1 is not None and e2 is not None and e3 is not None:
p1=[[e1.x*width, e1.y*height]]
p2=[[e2.x*width, e2.y*height]]
p3=[[e3.x*width, e3.y*height]]
triangulated1=triangulate3DPoints(p1, p2, P1_1, P2_1)[0]
triangulated2=triangulate3DPoints(p2, p3, P1_2, P2_2)[0]
triangulated3=triangulate3DPoints(p1, p3, P1_3, P2_3)[0]
worldCoordP1=(pose1 @ toHomogenous(triangulated1).reshape(4,1).flatten())[:-1]
worldCoordP2=(pose2 @ toHomogenous(triangulated2).reshape(4,1).flatten())[:-1]
worldCoordP3=(pose1 @ toHomogenous(triangulated3).reshape(4,1).flatten())[:-1]
#problem: worldCoordP2 is very different from worldCoordP1 and worldCoordP3 (the latter being quite different too). The three variables should be close as they represent the same point (although estimated differently) in the same coordinate system.


Richard Szeliski,计算机视觉:算法与应用,第7.1章三角测量

