

print ("Welcome to the Number Guessing Game in Python!")
# Initialize the number to be guessed
number_to_guess = 7
# Initialize the number of tries the player has made
count_number_of_tries = 1
# Obtain their initial guess
guess = int (input ("Please guess a number between 1 and 10: "))
while number_to_guess != guess:
print ("Sorry wrong number!")

# Check to see they have not exceeded the maximum number of attempts if so break out of loop
if count_number_of_tries == 3:
elif guess < number_to_guess:
print ("Your guess was lower than the number.")
print ("Your guess was higher than the number.")
# Obtain their next guess and increment number of attempts
guess = int(input ("Please guess again: "))
count_number_of_tries += 1
# Check to see if they did guess the correct number
if number_to_guess == guess:
print ("Well done you won!")
print ("You took" + str(count_number_of_tries) + "attempts to complete the game.")
print ("Sorry, you lose")
print ("The number you needed to guess was " + str(number_to_guess) + "." )
print ("Game Over.")


好主意!在我看来,有两种方法可以持续地要求用户玩游戏,直到他们输入一些让你知道他们想要停止的内容,如"q"、"退出"或"退出"。首先,您可以将当前所有代码嵌套为while循环(缩进并在代码前写入'while(): '),或者将当前代码转换为函数,并反复调用它,直到用户输入exit命令

交货:比如我可以像这样打印hello world

# your game here


user_input = '.' # this char does not matter as long as it's not 'quit'
while user_input != 'quit': # check if 'user_input' is not 'quit'
# your game here
user_input = input('Press any key to continue (and enter) or write "quit" to exit: ') # prompt user to enter any key, or write quit


while True:
play=int(input('Play again? 1=Yes 0=No : '))
if play == 1:


playAgain = 'y'
while playAgain == 'y':
print ("Welcome to the Number Guessing Game in Python!")
# Initialize the number to be guessed
number_to_guess = 7
# Initialize the number of tries the player has made
count_number_of_tries = 1
# Obtain their initial guess
guess = int (input ("Please guess a number between 1 and 10: "))
while number_to_guess != guess:
print ("Sorry wrong number!")

# Check to see they have not exceeded the maximum number of attempts if so break out of loop
if count_number_of_tries == 3:
print("You've guessed more than three times, you're pretty bad")
elif guess < number_to_guess:
print ("Your guess was lower than the number.")
print ("Your guess was higher than the number.")
# Obtain their next guess and increment number of attempts
guess = int(input ("Please guess again: "))
count_number_of_tries += 1
# Check to see if they did guess the correct number
if number_to_guess == guess:
print ("Well done you won!")
print ("You took " + str(count_number_of_tries) + " attempts to complete the game.")
print ("Sorry, you lose")
print ("The number you needed to guess was " + str(number_to_guess) + "." )
print ("Game Over.")
playAgain = (input ("Type y to play again, otherwise press enter: "))
print("Goodbye gamer")


import random
print("Welcome to the Number Guessing Game in Python!")
number_range = [1, 10]
inp_msg = "Please guess a number between {} and {}: ".format(*number_range)
while True:
# Initialize the number to be guessed
number_to_guess = random.randint(*number_range)
# Initialize the number of tries the player has made
count_number_of_tries = 1
# Obtain their initial guess
guess = int(input(inp_msg))
while number_to_guess != guess:
print("Sorry wrong number!")
# Check to see they have not exceeded the maximum number of attempts if so break out of loop
if count_number_of_tries == 3:
elif guess < number_to_guess:
print("Your guess was lower than the number.")
print("Your guess was higher than the number.")
# Obtain their next guess and increment number of attempts
guess = int(input("Please guess again: "))
count_number_of_tries += 1
# Check to see if they did guess the correct number
if number_to_guess == guess:
print("Well done you won!")
print("You took" + str(count_number_of_tries) + "attempts to complete the game.")
print("Sorry, you lose")
print("The number you needed to guess was " + str(number_to_guess) + ".")
if input("Do you want another round? (y/n)").lower() != "y":
print("Game Over.")

