

Photos AppleScript字典有一个搜索命令,但它只响应文本字符串。似乎没有办法将搜索细化到一个特定的文件夹,或其他搜索条件。



tell application "Photos"
set Srchres to search for "Defined Keyword" in album "Test album"
end tell


tell application "Photos" to tell album "Test album"
media items whose name contains "Defined Keyword"
end tell

如果我理解正确的话,您需要通过名称中的子字符串搜索媒体元素. 如果您希望通过其中的关键字搜索媒体元素,然后使用以下脚本之一代替第一个脚本:


这里是搜索的例子,它适用于我的照片。app (Catalina OS):

tell application "Photos"
set Srchres to media items of ¬
(album "Untitled Album" of folder "Untitled Folder2" of folder "Robert") ¬
whose keywords is {"Alexandra", "Untitled Album"}
end tell
--> Result: {media item id "0425380C-2C79-422F-90F8-0DFAB4FF3389/L0/001" of album id "F37876B4-6C89-4B78-90E8-78FF9287E199/L0/040" of folder id "22697ACA-E9AA-4720-BD03-8DF8B6D7E9DA/L0/020" of folder id "C8E0E9FC-57EB-4219-8EAB-BA4B3F34B5DC/L0/020"}

如果您只想搜索某个关键字对于关键字列表,您应该使用"repeat loop";方法:

set mediaItems to {}
tell application "Photos"
tell album "Untitled Album" of folder "Untitled Folder2" of folder "Robert"
repeat with mediaItem in (get media items)
if "Alexandra" is in (get keywords of mediaItem) then
set end of mediaItems to contents of mediaItem
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
return mediaItems
--> Result: {media item id "0425380C-2C79-422F-90F8-0DFAB4FF3389/L0/001" of album id "F37876B4-6C89-4B78-90E8-78FF9287E199/L0/040" of folder id "22697ACA-E9AA-4720-BD03-8DF8B6D7E9DA/L0/020" of folder id "C8E0E9FC-57EB-4219-8EAB-BA4B3F34B5DC/L0/020"}


on searchByKeyword:theKeyword inAlbum:albumReference
set mediaItems to {}
tell application "Photos" to tell albumReference
repeat with mediaItem in (get media items)
if theKeyword is in (get keywords of mediaItem) then
set end of mediaItems to contents of mediaItem
end if
end repeat
end tell
return mediaItems
end searchByKeyword:inAlbum:
tell application "Photos" to set albumReference to a reference to album "Untitled Album" of folder "Untitled Folder2" of folder "Robert"
my searchByKeyword:"Alexandra" inAlbum:albumReference
--> Result: {media item id "0425380C-2C79-422F-90F8-0DFAB4FF3389/L0/001" of album id "F37876B4-6C89-4B78-90E8-78FF9287E199/L0/040" of folder id "22697ACA-E9AA-4720-BD03-8DF8B6D7E9DA/L0/020" of folder id "C8E0E9FC-57EB-4219-8EAB-BA4B3F34B5DC/L0/020"}
