- S1: "Hello">
- S2: "Bye"> S3: "Apple">
- S4: "Car">
- S5: "Tree">
结果为:" hbacteyparlepreloe">
segment .data
instruccion db 'Ingrese 5 cadenas de igual longitud no mayores a 20 caracteres:',0x0A
lonI EQU ($-instruccion)
segment .bss
contador resb 1
cad1 resb 20
cad2 resb 20
cad3 resb 20
cad4 resb 20
cad5 resb 20
cad6 resb 101
segment .text
global _start
mov edx,lonI
mov ecx,instruccion
call imprimir
mov edx,20d
mov ecx,cad1
call leer
mov ecx,cad2
call leer
mov ecx,cad3
call leer
mov ecx,cad4
call leer
mov ecx,cad5
call leer
mov edi,cad1
mov ecx,255
mov eax,0Ah
repne scasb
mov eax,255
inc ecx
sub eax,ecx
mov edi,cad6
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,0
mov esi,cad1
mov edx,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
cmp ebx,0
jne THEN1
je ELSE1
loop THEN1
mov esi,cad2
mov ecx,ebx
cmp ebx,0
jne THEN2
je ELSE2
loop THEN2
mov esi,cad3
mov ecx,ebx
cmp ebx,0
jne THEN3
je ELSE3
loop THEN3
mov esi,cad4
mov ecx,ebx
cmp ebx,0
jne THEN4
je ELSE4
loop THEN4
mov esi,cad5
mov ecx,ebx
cmp ebx,0
jne THEN5
je ELSE5
loop THEN5
mov ecx,edx
inc ebx
loop ciclo
mov eax,0Ah
mov edx,101d
mov ecx,cad6
call imprimir
mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
mov ebx,0
mov eax,3
int 0x80
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80
我当然希望这是一个打字错误,否则这将成为一个非常讨厌的练习!我将假设"HBACTeyparleprelleoe" .
指令来完成。有时人们想知道为什么rep lodsb
mov esi,cad1 cld mov ecx,ebx cmp ebx,0 jne THEN1 je ELSE1 THEN1: lodsb loop THEN1 ELSE1: movsb
lea esi, [cad1 + ebx]
movzx eax, byte [cad1 + ebx]
S: db 43 dup 0
S1: db "Hello", 10
S2: db "Bye", 10
S3: db "AppleADayKeepsTheDoctorAway", 10
S4: db "Car", 10
S5: db "Tree", 10
Begin: mov ebx, S1 ; Addresses of the input strings
mov ecx, S2
mov edx, S3
mov esi, S4
mov edi, S5
mov ebp, S ; Address of the output string
.a: push ebp ; (1)
movzx eax, byte [ebx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .b ; no longer add to the output string
inc ebx ; Go to the next character in this string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.b: movzx eax, byte [ecx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .c ; no longer add to the output string
inc ecx ; Go to the next character in this string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.c: movzx eax, byte [edx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .d ; no longer add to the output string
inc edx ; Go to the next character in this string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.d: movzx eax, byte [esi] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .e ; no longer add to the output string
inc esi ; Go to the next character in this string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.e: movzx eax, byte [edi] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .f ; no longer add to the output string
inc edi ; Go to the next character in this string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.f: pop eax ; (1)
cmp eax, ebp ; Was anything added to the output string ?
jne .a ; Yes, then repeat
S: db 43 dup 0
S1: db "Hello", 22 dup 10, 10
S2: db "Bye", 24 dup 10, 10
S3: db "AppleADayKeepsTheDoctorAway", 10
S4: db "Car", 24 dup 10, 10
S5: db "Tree", 23 dup 10, 10
Begin: xor ebx, ebx ; Current offset in every string
mov ebp, S ; Address of the output string
.a: push ebp ; (1)
movzx eax, byte [S1 + ebx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .b ; no longer add to the output string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.b: movzx eax, byte [S2 + ebx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .c ; no longer add to the output string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.c: movzx eax, byte [S3 + ebx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .d ; no longer add to the output string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.d: movzx eax, byte [S4 + ebx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .e ; no longer add to the output string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.e: movzx eax, byte [S5 + ebx] ; Read a character from this string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .f ; no longer add to the output string
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.f: inc ebx ; Go to next character in every string
pop eax ; (1)
cmp eax, ebp ; Was anything added to the output string ?
jne .a ; Yes, then repeat
P: dd S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, 0
S: db 43 dup 0
S1: db "Hello", 10
S2: db "Bye", 10
S3: db "AppleADayKeepsTheDoctorAway", 10
S4: db "Car", 10
S5: db "Tree", 10
Begin: mov ebp, S ; Address of the output string
jmp .e
.a: mov edi, ebx
.b: mov eax, [edi+4] ; Move all the stringpointers that follow
mov [edi], eax ; one position down in the array
add edi, 4
test eax, eax ; Until the zero-terminator got moved down
jnz .b
jmp .d ; Continue with the next stringpointer
.c: movzx eax, byte [esi] ; Read a character from the current string
cmp al, 10 ; If this string is exhausted, then
je .a ; go remove its pointer from the array
inc esi ; Go to the next character in the current string
mov [ebx], esi ; Update the current stringpointer
add ebx, 4 ; Go to the next stringpointer
mov [ebp], al ; Add character to the output string
inc ebp
.d: mov esi, [ebx] ; Get current stringpointer
test esi, esi ; Arrived at the end of the array if ESI is zero
jnz .c
.e: mov ebx, P ; Address of the array with stringpointers
mov esi, [ebx] ; Get current stringpointer
test esi, esi ; The array is empty if the 1st dword is zero
jnz .c