区分"No Key"和"No Values",同时将 Yaml 列表反序列化/解组为 Golang 结构


if blacklist key is not there in yaml:
then allow everything
else if blacklist key is there but there are no values:
then block everything
else if blacklist values are there in yaml:
then filter out only the listed items


package main
import (
type Config struct {
Host string        `yaml:"host"`
Blacklist []string `yaml:"blacklist"`
func main() {
configDataWithBlacklistValues := `
host: localhost
- try
- experiment
configDataWithoutBlacklistValues := `
host: localhost
configDataWithoutBlacklistKey := `
host: localhost
var configWithBlacklistValues Config    // this config should filter out blacklist items
var configWithoutBlacklistValues Config // this config should filter out everything (no blacklist values = everything to blacklist)
var configWithoutBlacklistKey Config    // this config should filter out nothing (no blacklist key = nothing to blacklist)
yaml.Unmarshal(([]byte)(configDataWithBlacklistValues), &configWithBlacklistValues)
yaml.Unmarshal(([]byte)(configDataWithoutBlacklistValues), &configWithoutBlacklistValues)
yaml.Unmarshal(([]byte)(configDataWithoutBlacklistKey), &configWithoutBlacklistKey)
fmt.Printf("%+vn", configWithBlacklistValues)
fmt.Printf("%+vn", configWithoutBlacklistValues)
fmt.Printf("%+vn", configWithoutBlacklistKey)

if blacklist key is not there in yaml:
then allow everything
else if blacklist key is there but there are no values:
then block everything
else if blacklist values are there in yaml:
then filter out only the listed items
type HostList []string
type Config struct {
Host string `yaml:"host"`
Blacklist *HostList `yaml:"blacklist"`

一个简单的解决方案是实现指针类型HostList,但编码2)case YAML,即没有黑名单值的数据,如下所示

host: localhost
blacklist: []


