如何从if-else或switch case返回多个值

  • 本文关键字:返回 case switch if-else swift
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var meterCalc: Double {
let lengthInput = Double(lengthIn1) + Double(lengthIn2)/100

if lengthUnit == 0 {
return lengthInput
} else if lengthUnit == 1 {
return lengthInput / 39.37
} else {
return lengthInput / 3.281
var inchCalc: Double {
let lengthInput = Double(lengthIn1) + Double(lengthIn2)/100

if lengthUnit == 0 {
return lengthInput * 39.37
} else if lengthUnit == 1 {
return lengthInput
} else {
return lengthInput * 12
var feetCalc: Double {
let lengthInput = Double(lengthIn1) + Double(lengthIn2)/100

if lengthUnit == 0 {
return lengthInput * 3.281
} else if lengthUnit == 1 {
return lengthInput / 12
} else {
return lengthInput

我想使用一个if else语句每次lengthunit == 0,但我不知道如何返回在3个不同的地方使用的3个不同的值。有没有办法缩短这个代码?或者是否有一种方法从一个if语句返回3个不同的值,然后可以在3个不同的地方使用?


enum LengthUnit {
case meter
case inch
case feet

var lengthUnit: LengthUnit = .meter //(or .inch, or .feet, depending on the initial unit)

现在,我们可以添加一个switch case,在Swift中,它可以处理元组:

func convert(_ value: Double, from initialUnit: LengthUnit, to targetUnit: targetUnit LengthUnit) -> Double {
switch (initialUnit, targetUnit) {
case (.meter, inch):
return value / 39.37
case (.inch, .meter):
return value * 39.37
case (.meter, .feet):
return value / 3.281
case (.feet, meter):
return value * 3.281
case (.feet, .inch):
return value / 12
case (.inch, .feet):
return value * 12
default: //It's (.inch, .inch), (.feet, .feet) and (.meter, .meter)
return value

让我们将每次重复的let lengthInput = Double(lengthIn1) + Double(lengthIn2)/100行分解为:

var combinedValues {
return Double(lengthIn1) + Double(lengthIn2)/100


var feetCalc: Double {
return convert(combinedValue, from: lengthUnit, to .feet)
var inchCalc: Double {
return convert(combinedValue, from: lengthUnit, to .inch)
var meterCalc: Double {
return convert(combinedValue, from: lengthUnit, to .meter)




var combinedValue : Double {
return Double(lengthIn1) + Double(lengthIn2)/100


let lengthUnit: UnitLength = .meters


func convert(_ value: Double, from:  UnitLength, to:  UnitLength) -> Double {
return Measurement(value: value, unit: from).converted(to: to).value


var meterCalc: Double {
return convert(combinedValue, from: lengthUnit, to: .meters)
var inchCalc: Double {
return convert(combinedValue, from: lengthUnit, to: .inches)
var feetCalc: Double {
return convert(combinedValue, from: lengthUnit, to: .feet)

