对如何解释"Box<dyn Fn(Args)>"感到困惑


https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&模式= debug&版= 2018,要点= 969 cf50f66746c4aa3941200e01f1570

enum SlotFn<'a, Comp, Args = (), R = ()> 
where Args: 'static,
R: Default + 'static,
SimpleFn(fn(Args) -> R),
MemberFn(fn(&'a Comp) -> R),
MemberFnMut(fn(&'a mut Comp, Args) -> R),
impl<'a, Comp, Args, R> SlotFn<'a, Comp, Args, R> 
where Args: 'static,
R: Default + 'static,{
fn from_member(f: fn(&'a Comp) -> R) -> Self{
fn from_member_mut(f: fn(&'a mut Comp, Args) -> R) -> Self {
fn emit(&self, comp: &'a Comp, args: Args) -> R {
match self {
SlotFn::SimpleFn(f) => f(args),
SlotFn::MemberFn(f) => f(comp),
_ => Default::default()
fn emit_mut(&mut self, comp: &'a mut Comp, args: Args) -> R {
match self {
SlotFn::MemberFnMut(f) => f(comp, args),
_ => Default::default()

struct Test(u32);
impl Test {
fn reffunc(&self) {
println!("value: {}", self.0);
fn reffunc_mut(&mut self, val: u32) {
self.0 = val;

fn main() {
let mut test = Test(0);
let slot = SlotFn::from_member(Test::reffunc);
let mut mslot = SlotFn::from_member_mut(Test::reffunc_mut);
mslot.emit_mut(&mut test, 10);
slot.emit(&test, ());


https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&模式= debug&版= 2018,要点= 1534 d9b49327272ddbbd04826efd644a

enum SlotFn<'a, Comp, Args = (), R = ()> 
where Args: 'static,
R: Default + 'static,
SimpleFn(Box<dyn Fn(Args) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static>),
MemberFn(Box<dyn Fn(&'a Comp) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static>),
MemberFnMut(Box<dyn FnMut(&'a mut Comp, Args) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static>),
impl<'a, Comp, Args, R> SlotFn<'a, Comp, Args, R> 
where Args: 'static,
R: Default + 'static,{

fn from_member<F>(f: F) -> Self where F: Fn(&'a Comp) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static{
fn from_member_mut<F>(f: F) -> Self where F: FnMut(&'a mut Comp, Args) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static{
fn emit(&self, comp: &'a Comp, args: Args) -> R {
match self {
SlotFn::SimpleFn(f) => f(args),
SlotFn::MemberFn(f) => f(comp),
_ => Default::default()
fn emit_mut(&mut self, comp: &'a mut Comp, args: Args) -> R {
match self {
SlotFn::MemberFnMut(f) => f(comp, args),
_ => Default::default()

struct Test(u32);
impl Test {
fn reffunc(&self) {
println!("value: {}", self.0);
fn reffunc_mut(&mut self, val: u32) {
self.0 = val;

fn main() {
let mut test = Test(0);
let slot = SlotFn::from_member(Test::reffunc);
let mut mslot = SlotFn::from_member_mut(Test::reffunc_mut);
mslot.emit_mut(&mut test, 10);
slot.emit(&test, ());
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `test` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
mutable borrow might be used here, when `mslot` is dropped and runs the destructor for type `SlotFn<'_, Test, u32>`




在第二种情况下,它们可能实现Drop——dyn Trait总是被认为实现了Drop,因为编译器不知道里面是什么——因此,它们的生命周期必须在块的末尾结束,因为Drop可以观察到'a。所以它们是冲突的。
