dispose .js不会做它应该做的事情


const profileModel = require("../models/profileSchema");
module.exports = {
name: "deposit",
aliases: ["dep"],
permissions: [],
description: "Deposit gold into your bank!",
async execute(message, args, cmd, client, discord, profileData) {
const amount = args[0];
if (amount % 1 != 0 || amount <= 0) return message.channel.send("Deposit amount must be a whole number");
try {
if (amount > profileData.gold) return message.channel.send(`You don't have that amount of gold to deposit`);
await profileModel.findOneAndUpdate(
userID: message.author.id,
$inc: {
gold: -amount,
bank: amount,
return message.channel.send(`You deposited ${amount} of gold into your bank`);
} catch (err) {



const amount = parseFloat(args[0]); // Your current code: const amount = args[0];
//if (amount % 1 != 0 || amount <= 0) return message.channel.send("Deposit amount must be a whole number");
try {
// > = Greater than and < = Less than.
if (amount > profileData.gold) return message.channel.send(`You don't have that amount of gold to deposit`);
// await profileModel.findOneAndUpdate(
//     {
//     userID: message.author.id,
//     },
//     {
//     $inc: {
//         gold: -amount,
//         bank: amount,
//     },
//     }
// );
await profileModel.findOneAndUpdate(
userID: message.author.id,
{ $inc: { gold: amount } },
async (err, data) => {
if (data) {
//No data returns a message
} else {
(data.bank += amount), (data.gold -= amount);
return message.channel.send(`You deposited ${amount} of gold into your bank`);
} catch (err) {


1e0 = 1
1e1 = 10
1e2 = 100
1e3 = 1,000
1e4 = 10,000
and so on
