

data testdata;
length var1 var2 $ 10;
var1 = "house";  var2 = "";       output;
var1 = "house";  var2 = "car";    output;
var1 = "house";  var2 = "house";  output;
proc sql;
* Select all three obs- ok;
create table try1 as select * from testdata where indexw("house", var1);
* Selects one obs - ok;
create table try2 as select * from testdata where indexw("house", var2);
* Selects one obs - ok;
create table try3 as select * from testdata where indexw("car", var2);
* Selects all three obs - why?;
create table try4 as select * from testdata where indexw("house", var1) and indexw("house", var2);
* Selects one obs - ok;
create table try5 as select * from testdata where indexw("house", var1) and indexw("car", var2);
* Explicit comparison to zero - selects one obs - ok;
create table try6 as select * from testdata where indexw("house", var1) and (indexw("house", var2) ne 0);
* Compare to VAR2 first - selects one obs - ok;
create table try7 as select * from testdata where indexw("house", var2) and indexw("house", var1);

当我运行这段代码时,TRY1有三个观测值,而TRY2有一个观测值——VAR1="house"和VAR2 ="house"分别。这是我所期望的,基于此,我希望TRY4只包含VAR1和VAR2都是"房屋"的单个观察值。相反,TRY4从输入中选择所有三个观测值。



114  data t;
115    set testdata;
116    where indexw("house", var1) and indexw("house", var2);
117  run;
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.TESTDATA.
WHERE not (not INDEXW('house', var1));
NOTE: The data set WORK.T has 3 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time           0.00 seconds
cpu time            0.00 seconds

118  data t;
119    set testdata;
120    if indexw("house", var1) and indexw("house", var2);
121  run;
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.TESTDATA.
NOTE: The data set WORK.T has 1 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time           0.00 seconds
cpu time            0.00 seconds




在Windows 10上运行64位SAS 9.4 (TS1M7)




where 0<indexw("house", var1) and 0<indexw("house", var2);
