. json文件工作(读/写/变化)与Python动态






def json_read(path, element):
import json
with open(path) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
data = dict(data[element])
print (data)
def json_read(path, element):
import json
json_file = open(path, "r")
print (json.load(json_file))


def json_change(path, element, change_type, change_value):
if change_type == "replacement":
#replace .json variable [element] value with [change_value]
elif change_type == "maths":
#do mathematic equation (.json variable value [element] + [change_value]) and write its result back
elif change_type == "var_addition":
#write new variable called [element] in the end of .json file with value of [change_value]

另一个函数将只是尝试从(path, element)参数中读取文件,它将返回值供json_change或其他元素进一步使用。如上所示,我已经试着介绍过了。



# SaveFileHandler.py
import json

class _SaveFileHandler:
def __init__(self):
self._data = {}
self._path = ""
def read(self, path):
self._path = path
with open(path) as file:
self._data = json.load(file)
def write(self):
with open(self._path) as file:
json.dump(self._data, file)
# now for every value you want data to have do the following
# it allows you to check the value for errors and makes the usage more readable
def key(self):
return self._data["key"]
def key(self, value):
self._data["key"] = value

# the is the only object you will ever use
save_file = _SaveFileHandler()




  • name =播放器名称(保存在" saved/X"文件夹)
  • category = .json文件使用(有四个,每个保存(统计/任务/世界变化/库存)的不同方面)
  • dict_type =决定返回值是否是包含所有"变量"的字典;from save (True)或only selected变量(假的,违约)
  • element = specific "variable"(如果dict_type = True,可以是任何值)


def save_read(name, category, element, dict_type=False):
import json
final_path = "saves/" + name + "/in_use/" + category + ".json"
data = {}
with open (final_path) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
if dict_type == False:
return data[element]
return data
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
print ("JSON File: " + final_path + " does not have any arguments. Skipping.")


  • change_type =解释程序和函数运行(我们想做要么替换值,使其相对变化,甚至添加新的"variable"如果需要新)
  • change_value =我们使用的值,通常是int, str或boolean


def save_change(name, category, element, change_type, change_value, in_use=True):
#in_use=True is for all data elements within game, =False for saving game, since it uses different directory
import json
if in_use == True:
final_path = "saves/" + name + "/in_use/" + category + ".json"

#simply replacing value with new one (usually for string variables)
if change_type == "replace":
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element, True)
temp_dict[element] = change_value
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)

#math is intended to change value with +/- (use negative value to make it smaller)
elif change_type == "math":
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element, True)
temp_dict[element] = temp_dict[element] + change_value
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)
#math, but for (*) [rare case]
elif change_type == "math*":
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element)
temp_dict[element] = temp_dict[element] * change_value
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)
#math, but for (/) [rare case]
elif change_type == "math/":
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element)
temp_dict[element] = temp_dict[element] / change_value
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)
#var_add is intended to be dict; can be useful with version_updater especially
elif change_type == "var_add":
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element, True)
temp_dict.update (change_value)
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)
#var_add, but for deleting; change_value can be anything in this case
elif change_type == "var_del":
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element, True)
temp_dict.remove (element)
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)
#for loading the game (uses load_read)
elif change_type == "game_load":
temp_dict = load_read(name, category, element, True)
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)
elif in_use == False:
#for game saving | 'element' and 'change_value' can be anything
if change_type == "game_save":
final_path = "saves/" + name + "/" + category + ".json"
temp_dict = save_read(name, category, element, True)
with open (final_path,'w') as file:
json.dump(temp_dict, file, indent = 2)


  • system/json_management .py -用于一般管理(通信游戏<->"保存使用")
  • system/save_system/save_load.py -完整的保存/加载机制,运行玩家手动设置
