如何使用 Boto3 列出 aws 参数存储中的所有参数?boto3 文档中没有ssm.list_parameters?

SSM — Boto 3 文档 1.9.64 文档



import boto3
ssm = boto3.client('ssm')
parameters = ssm.describe_parameters()['Parameters']

请注意最多 50 个参数的限制!

此代码将通过递归获取直到没有更多参数(每次调用返回 50 个最大值)来获取所有参数:

import boto3
def get_resources_from(ssm_details):
results = ssm_details['Parameters']
resources = [result for result in results]
next_token = ssm_details.get('NextToken', None)
return resources, next_token

def main()
config = boto3.client('ssm', region_name='us-east-1')
next_token = ' '
resources = []
while next_token is not None:
ssm_details = config.describe_parameters(MaxResults=50, NextToken=next_token)
current_batch, next_token = get_resources_from(ssm_details)
resources += current_batch

您可以使用get_paginator api。 找到下面的示例, 在我的用例中,我必须获取 SSM 参数存储的所有值,并希望将其与字符串进行比较。

import boto3
import sys
LBURL = sys.argv[1].strip()
client = boto3.client('ssm')
p = client.get_paginator('describe_parameters')
paginator = p.paginate().build_full_result()
for page in paginator['Parameters']:
response = client.get_parameter(Name=page['Name'])
value = response['Parameter']['Value']
if LBURL in value:
print("Name is: " + page['Name'] + " and Value is: " + value)

来自上方/下方(?)的响应之一(由Val Lapidas)启发我将其扩展到此(因为他的解决方案没有获得SSM参数值以及其他一些其他详细信息)。

这里的缺点是 AWS 函数client.get_parameters()每次调用只允许 10 个名称。

我省略了此代码(to_pdatetime(...))中引用了一个引用的函数调用 - 它只是获取datetime值并确保它是一个"天真"的日期时间。这是因为我最终使用pandas将这些数据转储到 Excel 文件中,这不能很好地处理时区。

from typing import List, Tuple
from boto3 import session
from mypy_boto3_ssm import SSMClient
def ssm_params(aws_session: session.Session = None) -> List[dict]:
Return a detailed list of all the SSM parameters.

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
def get_parameter_values(ssm_client: SSMClient,  ssm_details: dict) -> Tuple[list, str]:
Retrieve additional attributes for the SSM parameters contained in the 'ssm_details'
dictionary passed in.
# Get the details
ssm_param_details = ssm_details['Parameters']
# Just the names, ma'am
param_names = [result['Name'] for result in ssm_param_details]
# Get the parames, including the values
ssm_params_with_values = ssm_client.get_parameters(Names=param_names,
resources = []
result: dict
for result in ssm_params_with_values['Parameters']:
# Get the matching parameter from the `ssm_details` dict since this has some of the fields
# that aren't in the `ssm_params_with_values` returned from "get_arameters".
param_details = next((zz for zz in ssm_param_details if zz.get('Name', None) == result['Name']), {})
param_policy = param_details.get('Policies', None)
if len(param_policy) == 0:
param_policy = None
'Name': result['Name'],
'LastModifiedDate': to_pdatetime(result['LastModifiedDate']),
'LastModifiedUser': param_details.get('LastModifiedUser', None),
'Version': result['Version'],
'Tier': param_details.get('Tier', None),
'Policies': param_policy,
'ARN': result['ARN'],
'DataType': result.get('DataType', None),
'Type': result.get('Type', None),
'Value': result.get('Value', None)
next_token = ssm_details.get('NextToken', None)
return resources, next_token
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
if aws_session is None:
raise ValueError('No session.')
# Create SSM client
aws_ssm_client = aws_session.client('ssm')
next_token = ' '
ssm_resources = []
while next_token is not None:
# The "describe_parameters" call gets a whole lot of info on the defined SSM params,
# except their actual values. Due to this limitation let's call the nested function
# to get the values, and a few other details. 
ssm_descriptions = aws_ssm_client.describe_parameters(MaxResults=10,
# This will get additional details for the params, including values.
current_batch, next_token = get_parameter_values(ssm_client=aws_ssm_client,
ssm_resources += current_batch
print(f'SSM Parameters: {len(ssm_resources)}')
return ssm_resources


没有 ListParameters 只有 DescribeParameter,它列出了所有参数,或者您可以设置过滤器。

Boto3 文档链接: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/ssm.html#SSM.Client.describe_parameters

AWS API 文档链接: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeParameters.html



paginator = client.get_paginator('describe_parameters') 

