

public class BSTNode {
private String data;
private BSTNode left;
private BSTNode right;
public BSTNode(String data) {
this.data = data;
this.right = null;
this.left = null;
public String getData() {
return data;
public void setData(String data) {
this.data = data;
public BSTNode getLeft() {
return left;
public void setLeft(BSTNode left) {
this.left = left;
public BSTNode getRight() {
return right;
public void setRight(BSTNode right) {
this.right = right;


public BSTNode fromArray(String[] array, int start, int end) {
int i = start;
BSTNode root = new BSTNode(array[i]);
BSTNode current = root;
BSTNode parent = null;
while (i <= end) {
if (array[i].compareTo(current.getData()) < 0) {
parent = current;
current.setLeft(current); //Should I put current.setLeft(root) here?
} else {
parent = current;
// Create the new node and attach it to the parent node
if (array[i].compareTo(parent.getData()) < 0) {
parent.setLeft(new BSTNode(array[i]));
} else {
parent.setRight(new BSTNode(array[i]));
return current;







while (++i <= end) {
current = root;
while (current != null) {
parent = current;
if (array[i].compareTo(current.getData()) < 0) {
current = current.getLeft();
} else {
current = current.getRight();
// Create the new node and attach it to the parent node
if (array[i].compareTo(parent.getData()) < 0) {
parent.setLeft(new BSTNode(array[i]));
} else {
parent.setRight(new BSTNode(array[i]));
return root;



while (++i <= end) {
boolean left;
current = root;
do {
parent = current;
left = array[i].compareTo(current.getData()) < 0;
if (left) {
current = current.getLeft();
} else {
current = current.getRight();
} while (current != null);
// Create the new node and attach it to the parent node
if (left) {
parent.setLeft(new BSTNode(array[i]));
} else {
parent.setRight(new BSTNode(array[i]));
return root;
public class Main {
public static final class Node {
public static final String NULL = "_";
public static final String SPLIT = ",";
private final String val;
private Node left;
private Node right;
public Node(String val) {
this.val = val;
public static void main(String... args) {
Node root = createBinaryTree();
String str = serialize(root);   // 0,1,3,7,_,9,_,_,_,4,_,_,2,5,_,8,_,_,6,_,_
Node newRoot = deserialize(str);
private static String serialize(Node root) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
serialize(root, buf);
return buf.toString();
private static void serialize(Node node, StringBuilder buf) {
if (buf.length() > 0)
if (node == null)
else {
serialize(node.left, buf);
serialize(node.right, buf);
private static Node deserialize(String str) {
String[] values = str.split(Node.SPLIT);
return deserialize(values, new AtomicInteger());
private static Node deserialize(String[] values, AtomicInteger i) {
if (i.get() >= values.length)
return null;
String value = values[i.getAndIncrement()];
if (Node.NULL.equalsIgnoreCase(value))
return null;
Node node = new Node(value);
node.left = deserialize(values, i);
node.right = deserialize(values, i);
return node;
*         0
*       /  
*      1    2
*     /   / 
*    3  4 5  6
*   /      
*  7        8
*    9
private static Node createBinaryTree() {
Node[] nodes = { new Node("0"), new Node("1"), new Node("2"), new Node("3"),
new Node("4"), new Node("5"), new Node("6"), new Node("7"),
new Node("8"), new Node("9") };
nodes[0].left = nodes[1];
nodes[0].right = nodes[2];
nodes[1].left = nodes[3];
nodes[1].right = nodes[4];
nodes[2].left = nodes[5];
nodes[2].right = nodes[6];
nodes[3].left = nodes[7];
nodes[5].right = nodes[8];
nodes[7].right = nodes[9];
return nodes[0];

