Titanium SDK 8.2.0GA放大WebView不起作用

我们正在将现有的Titanium经典应用程序迁移到Titanium SDK 8.2.0GA等。我们在使用加载的html页面激活iOS WebViews中的缩放/捏缩缩放功能时遇到问题。我们认为问题是由于将UiWebView替换为WKWebView造成的,但我们看不出必须在哪里应用设置才能重新启用缩放功能。html页面,包括js和其他应用程序,在8.2.0GA…上就像一个魅力


'Viewport setting works perfect in SDK 7.4.0 but does not zoom in SDK 8.2.0GA
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=10.0, user-scalable=yes"/>
'This is an example webview we use
var webView = Ti.UI.createWebView({
left : gutter,
top : gutter,
right : gutter,
bottom : gutter,
// This allows the translucent view and the background to shine through. You could set this to a standard RGB color and change the opacity if desired.
backgroundColor : translucentViewOn ? 'transparent' : backgroundColor,
opacity : animationsOn ? 0 : 1,
enableZoomControls : true, // Android only
// Default assumes that all HTML is in the HTML folder and the first file is index.html, you can change the next line to suit your HTML.
url : '/HTML/index.html'


var webView = Ti.UI.createWebView({
url: href,
backgroundColor: "transparent", //not relevant for zooming
borderWidth: 1,                 //not relevant for zooming
scalesPageToFit: false,
willHandleTouches: false,
disableZoom: false
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=10, user-scalable=yes"/>
