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function scrollThere(targetElement, speed) {
$("html, body")
scrollTop: targetElement.offset().top
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$("#main-menu li a").on("click", function(e) {
var startOfName = $(this).attr("href").indexOf("#"),
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scrollThere(targetEl, 900);
$(window).on("mousewheel", function(e) {
var div1y = $("#superLeague").offset().top,
div2y = $("#premierLeague").offset().top,
div3y = $("#leagueOne").offset().top,
div4y = $("#leagueTwo").offset().top,
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targetDown = $("#premierLeague");
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targetUp = $("#superLeague");
targetDown = $("#leagueOne");
} else if (lastScrollTop === div3y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueOne");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
} else if (lastScrollTop === div4y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueOne");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
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targetUp = $("#superLeague");
targetDown = $("#premierLeague");
} else if (lastScrollTop < div3y) {
targetUp = $("#premierLeague");
targetDown = $("#leagueOne");
} else if (lastScrollTop < div4y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueOne");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
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targetUp = $("#leagueTwo");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
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targetElement = targetUp;
scrollThere(targetElement, 900);
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<div class="container">
<nav id="navbar">
<ul id="main-menu">
<li id="menu-superLeague"><a href="#superLeague">Super League</a>
<li id="menu-premierLeague"><a href="#premierLeague">Premier League</a>
<li id="menu-leagueOne"><a href="#leagueOne">League One</a>
<li id="menu-leagueTwo"><a href="#leagueTwo">League Two</a>

<section id="superLeague" class="subpage">
Super League
Authoritatively network high-quality initiatives for functional opportunities. Globally envisioneer pandemic metrics vis-a-vis flexible e-markets. Rapidiously integrate cooperative systems whereas flexible communities. Assertively formulate high-payoff
"outside the box" thinking whereas cross functional methodologies. Enthusiastically redefine multifunctional convergence rather than interdependent mindshare.
<section id="premierLeague" class="subpage">
Premier League
<p>Seamlessly impact multidisciplinary sources for covalent bandwidth. Globally maintain premier action items rather than team building expertise. Conveniently underwhelm resource-leveling value before customer directed results. Seamlessly integrate
superior functionalities rather than market-driven materials. Energistically evolve ethical web services and 24/7 partnerships. </p>
<section id="leagueOne" class="subpage">
League One
Distinctively visualize optimal benefits for fully researched e-markets. Assertively integrate B2B expertise whereas flexible action items. Enthusiastically orchestrate virtual convergence without bricks-and-clicks content. Rapidiously streamline goal-oriented
benefits and web-enabled leadership skills. Completely architect an expanded array of intellectual capital before real-time portals.
<section id="leagueTwo" class="subpage">
League 2
Quickly coordinate user-centric platforms via seamless e-services. Dynamically redefine value-added infomediaries with standards compliant convergence. Competently productivate functionalized e-services without standardized core competencies. Credibly
leverage other's orthogonal e-markets via diverse content. Dramatically synergize robust supply chains and future-proof internal or "organic" sources.


我认为问题是每个li中的<a>在单击后可能会被聚焦,所以我在代码中添加了$("#menu-" + activeSections +" a").blur();

$("section.subpage").each(function() {
var activeSections = $(this).attr("id");
if ($("section[id=" + activeSections + "]").isInViewport()) {
$("#menu-" + activeSections).addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active").removeAttr("class");
} else {
$("#menu-" + activeSections).removeAttr("class");
$("#menu-" + activeSections +" a").blur();


$(document).ready(function() {
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function scrollThere(targetElement, speed) {
$("html, body")
scrollTop: targetElement.offset().top
}, 900, "swing");
$("#main-menu li a").on("click", function(e) {
var startOfName = $(this).attr("href").indexOf("#"),
clickRef = $(this)
.slice(startOfName + 1),
targetEl = $("section[id=" + clickRef + "]");
scrollThere(targetEl, 900);
$(window).on("mousewheel", function(e) {
var div1y = $("#superLeague").offset().top,
div2y = $("#premierLeague").offset().top,
div3y = $("#leagueOne").offset().top,
div4y = $("#leagueTwo").offset().top,
lastScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop(),
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
scrollDirection = "up";
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scrollDirection = "down";
if (lastScrollTop === div1y) {
targetUp = $("#superLeague");
targetDown = $("#premierLeague");
} else if (lastScrollTop === div2y) {
targetUp = $("#superLeague");
targetDown = $("#leagueOne");
} else if (lastScrollTop === div3y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueOne");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
} else if (lastScrollTop === div4y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueOne");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
} else if (lastScrollTop < div2y) {
targetUp = $("#superLeague");
targetDown = $("#premierLeague");
} else if (lastScrollTop < div3y) {
targetUp = $("#premierLeague");
targetDown = $("#leagueOne");
} else if (lastScrollTop < div4y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueOne");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
} else if (lastScrollTop > div4y) {
targetUp = $("#leagueTwo");
targetDown = $("#leagueTwo");
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targetElement = targetDown;
} else if (scrollDirection === "up") {
targetElement = targetUp;
scrollThere(targetElement, 900);
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color: #ba0032;
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margin-top: 50px;
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width: 80%;
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<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-mousewheel/3.1.12/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script>

<div class="container">
<nav id="navbar">
<ul id="main-menu">
<li id="menu-superLeague"><a href="#superLeague">Super League</a>
<li id="menu-premierLeague"><a href="#premierLeague">Premier League</a>
<li id="menu-leagueOne"><a href="#leagueOne">League One</a>
<li id="menu-leagueTwo"><a href="#leagueTwo">League Two</a>

<section id="superLeague" class="subpage">
Super League
Authoritatively network high-quality initiatives for functional opportunities. Globally envisioneer pandemic metrics vis-a-vis flexible e-markets. Rapidiously integrate cooperative systems whereas flexible communities. Assertively formulate high-payoff
"outside the box" thinking whereas cross functional methodologies. Enthusiastically redefine multifunctional convergence rather than interdependent mindshare.
<section id="premierLeague" class="subpage">
Premier League
<p>Seamlessly impact multidisciplinary sources for covalent bandwidth. Globally maintain premier action items rather than team building expertise. Conveniently underwhelm resource-leveling value before customer directed results. Seamlessly integrate
superior functionalities rather than market-driven materials. Energistically evolve ethical web services and 24/7 partnerships. </p>
<section id="leagueOne" class="subpage">
League One
Distinctively visualize optimal benefits for fully researched e-markets. Assertively integrate B2B expertise whereas flexible action items. Enthusiastically orchestrate virtual convergence without bricks-and-clicks content. Rapidiously streamline goal-oriented
benefits and web-enabled leadership skills. Completely architect an expanded array of intellectual capital before real-time portals.
<section id="leagueTwo" class="subpage">
League 2
Quickly coordinate user-centric platforms via seamless e-services. Dynamically redefine value-added infomediaries with standards compliant convergence. Competently productivate functionalized e-services without standardized core competencies. Credibly
leverage other's orthogonal e-markets via diverse content. Dramatically synergize robust supply chains and future-proof internal or "organic" sources.
