



typedef struct{
int ID;
int time;
int count;
bool serving;
typedef struct{
char ID[3];
int code;
int arrivalTime;
int timeNeeded;
employee servedBy;


nasabah inputNasabah(nasabah *n) // to initialize customer's data
printf("Customer's ID : ");
scanf("%s", (*n).ID);
printf("Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : ");
scanf("%d", &((*n).code));
printf("Enter your arrvial time : ");
scanf("%d", &((*n).arrivalTime));
printf("Transaction time needed : ");
scanf("%d", &((*n).timeNeeded));
return *n;


void csInit(employee *a, employee *b) //to initialize cs's data
a->ID = 1;
a->time = 0;
a->count = 0;
a->serving = false;
b->ID = 2;
b->time = 0;
b->count = 0;
b->serving = false;


void servedByCS(nasabah *n, employee *a, employee *b) 
csInit(a, b);
if(a->serving == false)
n->servedBy = *a;
a->time = a->time + n->timeNeeded;
a->count = a->count + 1;
a->serving = true;
else if(a->serving == true)
if(a->time > b->time)
n->servedBy = *b;
b->time = b->time + n->timeNeeded;
b->count = b->count + 1;
b->serving = true;
if(a->time < b->time)
a->serving = false;
n->servedBy = *a;
a->time = a->time + n->timeNeeded;
a->count = a->count + 1;
a->serving = true;
if (b->serving == true)
if (b->time < a->time)
b->serving = false;


int main()
nasabah *n;
antre cs; //queue for customer 
int i;
int amount = 0;
node a;
employee *cs1, *cs2; //since there are two customer service
printf("Input the queue lenghth : ");
scanf("%d", &amount);
n = (nasabah *) malloc(amount * sizeof(nasabah));
cs = CreateQueue(); //creating queue 
for(i = 0; i < amount; i++)
*n = inputNasabah(n + i);
enQueue(cs, *n); //inputting customer's data into the queue
a = deQueue(cs); //dequeue from the first customer so it can be proceed to see which customer service will be served.
servedByCS(&a.info, cs1, cs2); //i think i got this one wrong so the program didn't work
printf("%d", cs1->count); //i try to print how many customers are served by the cs1 (first customer service), but it didn't work.
return 0;


  • 未分配员工
  • servedByCS,如果结构复杂,并且不能同时工作2个客户,则缺少其他客户




typedef struct{
int ID;
int time;
int count;
typedef struct nasabah nasabah;
struct nasabah{
char ID[64];
int code;
int arrivalTime;
int timeNeeded;
employee *servedBy;
nasabah *next;
static nasabah* inputNasabah(nasabah *n) // to initialize customer's data
printf("Customer's ID : ");
scanf("%s", n->ID);
printf("Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : ");
scanf("%d", &n->code);
printf("Enter your arrival time : ");
scanf("%d", &n->arrivalTime);
printf("Transaction time needed : ");
scanf("%d", &n->timeNeeded);
return n;
static void employeeInit(employee *e, int id)
e->ID = id;
e->time = 0;
e->count = 0;

static void serve(nasabah *n, employee *e) {
n->servedBy = e;
if (n->arrivalTime > e->time) {
/* if customer arrived after the employee has finished */
e->time = n->arrivalTime + n->timeNeeded;
} else {
e->time += n->timeNeeded;
static void servedByCS(nasabah *n, employee *a, employee *b)
serve(n, a->time <= b->time ? a : b);
static void addNasabah(nasabah **root, nasabah *n) {
nasabah *current = *root;
if (!current || n->arrivalTime < current->arrivalTime) {
n->next = current;
*root = n;
while (current->next && current->next->arrivalTime < n->arrivalTime) {
current = current->next;
n->next = current->next;
current->next = n;
int main()
int i;
int amount = 0;
nasabah *nasabahs = NULL;
employee *cs1 = malloc(sizeof(employee));
employee *cs2 = malloc(sizeof(employee));
employeeInit(cs1, 1);
employeeInit(cs2, 2);
printf("Input the queue length : ");
scanf("%d", &amount);
for(i = 0; i < amount; i++)
nasabah *n = malloc(sizeof(nasabah));
addNasabah(&nasabahs, n);
for (nasabah *n = nasabahs; n; n=n->next) {
servedByCS(n, cs1, cs2);
printf("%dn", cs1->count);
return 0;


Input the queue length : 3
Customer's ID : 1
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 0
Transaction time needed : 10
Customer's ID : 2
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 1
Transaction time needed : 3
Customer's ID : 3
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 6
Transaction time needed : 5

Input the queue length : 5
Customer's ID : 1
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 0
Transaction time needed : 10
Customer's ID : 2
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 7
Transaction time needed : 2
Customer's ID : 3
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 2
Transaction time needed : 6
Customer's ID : 4
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 8
Transaction time needed : 5
Customer's ID : 5
Customer's need (type '1' for teller or '2' for Customer Service) : 1
Enter your arrival time : 9
Transaction time needed : 2
