如何在 Bash 脚本中自动引用 SQL 插入语句的"string values"

我编写了一个简单的Bash脚本,该脚本从完全由整数组成的CSV数据中为多行生成SQL INSERT语句,并将其保存到文本文件中(这样我就可以将其复制并粘贴到我想要的任何位置(。


echo Path to to-be-imported CSV:
read csv_file
echo Table name to import into:
read table
echo "INSERT INTO $table VALUES" > SQL_INSERT_$table.txt
while read line
echo "($line),"
done < <(tail -n +2 $csv_file) >> SQL_INSERT_$table.txt && sed -i '' '$ s/.$/;/' SQL_INSERT_$table.txt


# Prompt for input and: 1. enter CSV path to be imported into DB; 2. its equivalent table name in the DB 
echo Path to CSV:
read CSV_file
echo DB table name to import into:
read DB_table
# Create .txt file that will contain SQL INSERT STATEMENT and enter DB table name
echo "INSERT INTO $DB_table VALUES" > SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt
# Auto-quote string columns in the .txt file, leaving other columns intact
awk -F, 'OFS=FS {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (match($i, /^[0-9.-]+$/)==0) {printf """ $i """} else {printf $i}; if (i<NF) printf OFS}; printf "n"}' $CSV_file > temp.txt
# read-while loop to populate INSERT STATEMENT row values from CSV (2nd row to the end) and replace final comma with semicolon for those RDBMS's that require a concluding semicolon at the end of SQL STATEMENT
while read line
echo "($line),"
done < <(tail -n +2 temp.txt) >> SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt && sed -i '' '$ s/.$/;/' SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt
# Delete temporary .txt file that contained auto-quoted string values
rm temp.txt

这是更完整的脚本版本,它不仅自动为字符串列加引号,而且还将列名列到SQL INSERT语句中:

# Prompt for input and: 1. enter CSV path to be imported into DB; 2. its equivalent table name in the DB 
echo Path to CSV:
read CSV_file
echo DB table name to import into:
read DB_table
# Create .txt file that will contain SQL INSERT STATEMENT and enter DB table name
echo "INSERT INTO $DB_table (" > SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt
# List out CSV header as INSERT STATEMENT column names and append to .txt file
echo "`head -n 1 $CSV_file`)" >> SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt
# Auto-quote string columns in the .txt file, leaving other columns intact
awk -F, 'OFS=FS {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (match($i, /^[0-9.-]+$/)==0) {printf """ $i """} else {printf $i}; if (i<NF) printf OFS}; printf "n"}' $CSV_file > temp.txt
echo "VALUES" >> SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt
# read-while loop to populate INSERT STATEMENT row values from CSV (2nd row to the end) and replace final comma with semicolon for those RDBMS's that require a concluding semicolon at the end of SQL STATEMENT
while read line
echo "($line),"
done < <(tail -n +2 temp.txt) >> SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt && sed -i '' '$ s/.$/;/' SQL_INSERT_$DB_table.txt
# Delete temporary .txt file that contained auto-quoted string values
rm temp.txt
