




  • 表示力的线段的原点将始终等于三维空间的原点。因此,表示力的线段的组合方向*大小将始终等于力本身
  • 三维空间的原点将永远不在此虚拟框之外
  • 我认为我的想法是正确的,但感觉太复杂了,我认为有很多东西我可以删掉,让计算更容易,但问题是,我不太确定从哪里开始,让它尽可能干净高效,更不用说真正解决这个问题的最佳方法了。


    public Vector3f ConstrainedWithinScaled(Vector3f value) {
    // Vector3f is a simple class that contains x, y, z, basic arithmetic operators (*/+-), Magnitude/Normalized properties, and Dot/Cross methods.
    // The code that this method exists in is a class called DualVector3f which is the class described above. It contains properties PosX, PosY, PosZ, NegX, NegY, and NegZ -- All of these properties have positive values as they describe magnitude on that specific face.
    if (IsInBounds(value)) {
    // The input value is already within the constraints of the virtual box.
    return value;
    // Get all intersections
    // The first returned intersection that resides on this box's surface is correct.
    // Only in cases where the point reside on a corner or edge will result in multiple of these conditions being true, however in these cases the returned point will be identical in all 2 or 3 cases.
    Vector3f center = Center;
    Vector3f size = Size;
    // Cache these so that I don't calculate them every single time.
    // These are calculated from the minimum/maximum coordinates to create the center of the virtual box and the size of the virtual box respectively.
    // public Vector3f Size => Negative + Positive; (Negative and Positive both only have positive components, as outlined up top)
    // public Vector3f Center => Positive - (Size / 2); (Positive is always the maximum)
    // As should be evident, Positive is composed of PosX, PosY, and PosZ
    // Likewise, Negative is composed of NegX, NegY, and NegZ
    Vector3f topIntersection = IntersectPoint(value, new Vector3f(0, 1, 0), center + new Vector3f(0, size.y, 0));
    if (topIntersection.y == PosY) return topIntersection;
    Vector3f bottomIntersection = IntersectPoint(value, new Vector3f(0, 1, 0), center - new Vector3f(0, size.y, 0));
    if (bottomIntersection.y == -NegY) return bottomIntersection;
    Vector3f leftIntersection = IntersectPoint(value, new Vector3f(-1, 0, 0), center - new Vector3f(size.x, 0, 0));
    if (leftIntersection.x == -NegX) return leftIntersection;
    Vector3f rightIntersection = IntersectPoint(value, new Vector3f(1, 0, 0), center + new Vector3f(size.x, 0, 0));
    if (rightIntersection.x == PosX) return rightIntersection;
    Vector3f frontIntersection = IntersectPoint(value, new Vector3f(0, 0, 1), center + new Vector3f(0, 0, size.z));
    if (frontIntersection.z == PosZ) return frontIntersection;
    Vector3f backIntersection = IntersectPoint(value, new Vector3f(0, 0, -1), center - new Vector3f(0, 0, size.z));
    if (backIntersection.z == -NegZ) return backIntersection;
    return new Vector3f(); // Fallback. This should theoretically never occur under any condition, so this simply satisfies the need to return.
    // This was derived from https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Find_the_intersection_of_a_line_with_a_plane#C.23 and omits the "rayOrigin" parameter as this is always a zero vector.
    private static Vector3f IntersectPoint(Vector3f dirWithMag, Vector3f planeNormal, Vector3f planeCenter) {
    Vector3f diff = -planeCenter;
    float prod1 = diff.Dot(planeNormal);
    float prod2 = dirWithMag.Dot(planeNormal);
    float prod3 = prod1 / prod2;
    return dirWithMag * -prod3;




    public Vector3f ConstrainedWithinScaled(Vector3f value) {
    if (IsInBounds(value)) {
    // The input value is already within the constraints of the virtual box.
    return value;
    float factorX = 1;
    float factorY = 1;
    float factorZ = 1;
    if (value.x > PosX) {
    factorX = value.x / PosX;
    } else if (value.x < -NegX) {
    factorX = value.x / -NegX;
    if (value.y > PosY) {
    factorY = value.y / PosY;
    } else if (value.y < -NegY) {
    factorY = value.y / -NegY;
    if (value.z > PosZ) {
    factorZ = value.z / PosZ;
    } else if (value.z < -NegZ) {
    factorZ = value.z / -NegZ;
    float largestFactor = Mathf.Max(factorX, factorY, factorZ);
    // Catch case: Box has zero size.
    if (largestFactor == 0) return Vector3f.Zero;
    return value / largestFactor;

