

line-height: calc(1.42em + (1.55 - 1.42) * ((100vw - 300px) / (1080 - 300)));





body {
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 1.4;



:root {
--font: calc(16.2px + (18 - 16.2) * ((100vw - 300px) / (1080 - 300)));
--verti: calc(1.42em + (1.55 - 1.42) * ((100vw - 300px) / (1080 - 300)));
html {
font-family: "Georgia";
font-size: var(--font);
line-height: var(--verti);
.small {
font-size: 0.8em;



然而,特别是在line-height的这种特殊情况下,应该注意的是,line-height: 1.4的无单位值等于line-height: 140%。同样,3.1等效于310%等。您应该能够修改calc()方程,以使用%单位输出所需值。


到目前为止,还没有CSS方法从使用单位的calc(..)的结果中剥离单位。该解决方案将向您展示一种根据需要获得主CCD_ 23和CCD_,以及CCD_ 25类的那些。使用单位时。。。


window.onload = window.onresize  = function() { showInfo() }
Get current a11y slider value and assign to custom variable.
// References to page slider elements
const slider = document.getElementById('slider'); // a11y slider
const a11y   = document.getElementById('a11y');   // a11y slider value info
const sliderSetScale = () => {
// Show current slider value
a11y.innerHTML = slider.value;

// Assign to CSS custom variable
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--a11y-scale', slider.value);
// Show updated size values
Show current font-size and line-height of demo elements.
// References to page info elements
const nI     = document.getElementById('nInfo');  // normal info
const sI     = document.getElementById('sInfo');  // small info
const showInfo = () => {
// Show current slider value
a11y.innerHTML = slider.value;
// Get current style values
let nIst = getComputedStyle(nI);
let sIst = getComputedStyle(sI);
// Display current values (macro using 'backticks')
nI.innerHTML = `fs: ${nIst.fontSize}, lh: ${nIst.lineHeight}`;
sI.innerHTML = `fs: ${sIst.fontSize}, lh: ${sIst.lineHeight}`;
:root {
/* generic multiplier for a11y scaling of page elements */
--a11y-scale: 1;
Linear Equation y = mx + b
point slope form: y − y1 = m(x − x1) 
substituted: y = y1 + (y2 − y1) / (x2 − x1) × (x − x1)

using points p1(x1,y1) and p2(x2,y2):
font-size   => p1(300, 16.2)        p2(1080, 18)
line-height => p1(300, 16.2 * 1.42) p2(1080, 18 * 1.55)

multiply endresult (y) with generic multiplier for element scaling
/* Filling in the above equation (2x use of 'px' otherwise the calc will fail) */
--fs: calc( (16.2px        + (18.0 - 16.2)             / (1080 - 300) * (100vw - 300px)) * var(--a11y-scale) );
--lh: calc( (16.2px * 1.42 + (18 * 1.55 - 16.2 * 1.42) / (1080 - 300) * (100vw - 300px)) * var(--a11y-scale) );
/* NOTE: not simplified for demo purposes */
body {
font-size  : var(--fs);
line-height: var(--lh);
.normal {
font-size: 1rem;
line-height: normal;
.small {
font-size  : calc(0.8 * var(--fs));
line-height: calc(0.8 * var(--lh));
.box {
/* for easy centering of text */
display: grid; place-items: center;
/* create a responsive square using 'em' unit    */
width : 6em; height: 6em; /* font size depending */
/* main font size is a11y scaled, so is the box  */
background-color: Gainsboro;
/* just eye-candy */
.wwrapper * { outline: 1px dashed }
input[type="range"] { width: 100% }
Linear Equation y=mx+b math in a Nutshell
Using points p1(x1,y1) and p2(x2,y2) where
x1,y1 = the small viewport size (x1) where required small size is (y1)
x2,y2 = the large viewport size (x2) where required large size is (y2)
NOTE: the above will yield a rising slope, while using
(y1) = large and (y2) = small will yield a falling slope,
basically creating the inverse effect.
on a 2D graph with
x-axis = viewport size values
y-axis = size attribute values
and variable definitions
y = the calculated size we want to use in CSS
m = (y2 − y1) / (x2 − x1) => delta Y / delta X => the 'change'
x = either 100vh, vw, vmin or vmax, determined by viewport width/height dependency
b = y1 − m × x1 => value of y when x = 0
we use the equation 'point slope form'
equation: y − y1 = m(x − x1)
substituted: y = y1unit + (y2 − y1) / (x2 − x1) × (x − x1unit)
NOTE: in calc(..) attach a unit to the values where depicted
or multiply with 1unit when using variables, otherwise
the calc(..) will fail.
to calculate any CSS size property value that has to responsively
and fluidly scale relative to the current viewport width or height.
<!-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60895353/how-to-get-a-unit-less-result-of-the-calc-function -->
<label>a11y scale <span id="a11y"></span>
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0.5" max="3" step="0.01" value="1"
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="normal">this is unresponsive text for reference</div>
<div>this is responsive text                      (<span id="nInfo"></span>)</div>
<div class="small" >this is small responsive text (<span id="sInfo"></span>)</div>
<div class="box">box</div>


  • 您使用的是线性方程y=mx+b的"点斜率形式"直线上两点的坐标:p1(x1,y1)p2(x2,y2)calc(..)中使用的替代方程:y=y1+(y2−y1)/(x2−x1)×(x−x1)
  • 无单位line-height是[可选],接受任何合法单位
  • "em"单位是取决于元件电流font-size的乘法器
  • 无单位line-height是与'em'单位相当的乘数,但font-size无关
  • OPline-height取决于视口,只有似乎取决于父font-size
  • .small line-height不能将em用于line-height,因为它不是计算的


  • ,视口宽度为300px:主font-size: 16.2pxline-height: 1.42em
  • 视口宽度为1080px时:主font-size: 18pxline-height: 1.55em
  • .small需要是主font-sizeline-height0.8em


  1. font-size=>点p1(300,16.2)p2(1080,18)
  • 在300px的视口宽度下,它应该是16.2px

  • 在1080px的视口宽度下,它应该是18px

  • 公式:--fs: calc(16.2px + (18.0 - 16.2) / (1080 - 300) * (100vw - 300px))

  1. line-height=>点p1(300,16.2*1.42)p2(1080,18*1.55)
  • 在300px的视口宽度下,它应该是16.2px * 1.42

  • 在1080px的视口宽度下,它应该是18px * 1.55

  • 公式--lh: calc(16.2px * 1.42 + (18 * 1.55 - 16.2 * 1.42) / (1080 - 300) * (100vw - 300px))


例如对于.small,我们现在可以使用font-size: calc(0.8 * var(--fs))line-height: calc(0.8 * var(--fs)),因为父字体大小--fs母行高度--lh



我在上面的片段中介绍了自定义变量--a11y-scale,展示了如何使用通用元素乘数来缩放元素以实现可访问性。它只是将方程的结果与range slider值相乘。基本上显示了如何组合计算手动缩放。

