
  • 本文关键字:刷新 购物车 javascript html json
  • 更新时间 :
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// cart functionality
table.addEventListener("click", event => {
if (event.target.classList.contains('fa-close')) {
let removeItem = event.target;
console.log('df', removeItem);
let id = removeItem.dataset.id;
var obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cart")) || {}; //fetch cart from storage

var items = obj || []; //get the products
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { //loop over the collection
if (items[i].id === id) { //see if ids match
items.splice(i, 1); //remove item from array
break; //exit loop
localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify(obj)); //set item back into storage
//decreasing the cart length
var cal = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart'));
if (cal.length != 0) {
cart_n.innerHTML = `[${cal.length}]`;
} else {
cart_n.innerHTML = '';

//subtractTotal cart
cal.find(item => {
tempTotal = 0;
tempTotal = item.price * item.id
row.innerHTML = tempTotal;



// cart functionality
table.addEventListener("click", event => { 
// we can first check if the element does NOT (!) contain the class
// this means you don't need to wrap the remainder of the code
// as it will return early when the condition isn't met
let removeItem = event.target;
console.log('df', removeItem);

let id = removeItem.dataset.id;

// should you be setting `obj` to `{}` here? (when it doesn't exist)
// you can't loop over an object the same way you loop over any array
// it looks like you should instead set it to `[]`
let obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cart")) || {}; //fetch cart from storage

let items = obj || []; //get the products
for(let i = 0;i < items.length;i++) { //loop over the collection
if (items[i].id === id) { //see if ids match
items.splice(i, 1); //remove item from array
break; //exit loop
// you didn't modify `obj` in the previous loop, only `items`
// should you instead set this to `items` instead of `obj`?
// if the data exists in localStorage than you would be modifying
// `obj` directly but in the case it doesn't yet exist
// you will be returning a `{}` which cannot be looped over
// the same way you have above
localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify(obj)); //set item back into storage
// decreasing the cart length
let cal = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart'));
if(cal.length !== 0){
cart_n.innerHTML = `[${cal.length}]`;
cart_n.innerHTML = '';

// define tempTotal outside of the loop
let tempTotal = 0;

//subtractTotal cart
cal.find(item => {
// increment tempTotal by the price using `+=`
// I removed the `* item.id` as it doesn't make
// sense multiplying the `price` by the `id`
tempTotal += item.price;
// if the item has a `quantity` property
// you would use this code instead of the line above
tempTotal += item.price * item.quantity;
row.innerHTML = tempTotal;
