


当我在程序开始时运行时钟时,它已经显示了~2k CLOCKS_PER_SECOND,而不是0,如下面的输出所示。

操作系统为Ubuntu 20.04LTS处理器速度为3.50 GHz


clock() returns 2593 clocks-per sec (0.00 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
clock() returns 8616 clocks-per sec (0.01 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
clock() returns 2448 clocks-per sec (0.00 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
clock() returns 8403 clocks-per sec (0.01 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
clock() returns 2541 clocks-per sec (0.00 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
clock() returns 5915366 clocks-per sec (5.92 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 5.49; system CPU: 0.41


clock() returns 2341 clocks-per sec (0.00 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
resolution:          0.000000001
clockTtime:     143071.541191700
clock() returns 11560076 clocks-per sec (11.56 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 10.77; system CPU: 0.78
resolution:          0.000000001
clockTtime:     143083.561227466
RTDSC COUNTER: 41973477274 CPU cycles
clock() returns 2325 clocks-per sec (0.00 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 0.00; system CPU: 0.00
resolution:          0.000000001
clockTtime:     143570.023404324
clock() returns 12039250 clocks-per sec (12.04 secs)
times() yields: user CPU: 11.00; system CPU: 1.03
resolution:          0.000000001
clockTtime:     143583.562080061
RTDSC COUNTER: 47277160370 CPU cycles




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
void timeAlgorithm(const char* msg) {
// Three ways to get system process times - times(), clock(), clock_gettime()
struct tms t;
struct timespec tp;
static struct timespec res;
clock_t clockTime;
static long clockTicks = 0;
// Fetch clock ticks on first call
if (clockTicks == 0) {
clockTicks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
if (clockTicks == -1) {
perror("Error getting sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) value program will now exit");
return exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
clockTime = clock();
if (clockTime == -1) {
perror("Error getting process clock time using clock(), Program will now exit");
return exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("t clock() returns %ld clocks-per sec (%.2f secs)n",
(long)clockTime, (double) clockTime / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
if (times(&t) == -1) {
perror("The time call failed, this program will now exit.");
return exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("t times() yields: user CPU: %.2f; system CPU: %.2fn",
(double) t.tms_utime / clockTicks,
(double) t.tms_stime / clockTicks);
if (!res.tv_sec) {
if (clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &res) == -1) {
perror("clock_getres() call failed, this program will now exit");
return exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp) == -1) {
perror("clocl_gettime() call failed, this program will now exit.");
return exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("tresolution: %10jd.%09ldn",
(intmax_t)res.tv_sec, res.tv_nsec);
printf("tclockTtime: %10jd.%09ldn",
(intmax_t)tp.tv_sec, tp.tv_nsec);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
(long)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK));
uint64_t start = __rdtsc();
timeAlgorithm("At program start");
// 1 less than 4 gigs because 2^32 - 1 is the max value for a uint32_t and 2^32 = 4gb 
// Not 2 or 4 gigs right now so I can debug faster
uint32_t TWOGIGS = (uint32_t)(2147483648 / 1) - 1;
// Set seed for random
uint32_t TWOGIGSOFLONGS = (uint32_t)(TWOGIGS / sizeof(long));
long* unsortedData = malloc(sizeof(long) * TWOGIGSOFLONGS);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TWOGIGSOFLONGS; ++i) {
unsortedData[i] = random();
//printf("%dt%ldn", i, unsortedData[i]);
timeAlgorithm("At program end");
uint64_t end = __rdtsc();
printf("RTDSC COUNTER: %lu CPU cyclesn", end - start);



