




type 'a ntree = Tr of 'a * 'a ntree list;;
let leaf x = Tr(x,[]);; 
let alb = Tr(1,[Tr(2,[leaf 3; leaf 4; leaf 2]);Tr(5,[leaf 11; leaf 10]);Tr(3,[leaf 9; leaf 7; leaf 10])]);;
let guida = [(1,3);(2,2);(3,1);(10,1);(16,2);(11,2)];;

let rec cerca_foglia guida (Tr(x,tlist)) =
match tlist with
[] -> x
|_ -> List.map(fun a -> List.mem_assoc x guida && (*a.position = List.nth tlist List.assoc x guida*)) (cerca tlist)
and cerca = function
[] -> raise NotFound
|[t] -> cerca_foglia guida t
|t::rest -> 
try cerca_foglia guida t
with NotFound -> cerca rest



let rec cerca_foglia guida (Tr(x,tlist)) =
match tlist with
[] -> x
|_ -> List.map(fun a -> a = List.nth tlist List.assoc x guida) (cerca tlist)
and cerca = function
[] -> raise NotFound
|[t] -> if List.mem_assoc t guida then  cerca_foglia guida t else raise NotFound
|t::rest -> 
try cerca_foglia guida t
with NotFound -> cerca rest



type 'a ntree = Tr of 'a * 'a ntree list
let leaf x = Tr(x,[])
let alb = Tr(1,[Tr(2,[leaf 3; leaf 4; leaf 2]);Tr(5,[leaf 11; leaf 10]);Tr(3,[leaf 9; leaf 7; leaf 10])])
let guida = [(1,3);(2,2);(3,1);(10,1);(16,2);(11,2)]
let rec find_child (Tr (root, children) as tree) =
| [] -> None
| (k, v)::_ when root = k -> Some (List.nth children (v - 1))
| _::kvs -> find_child tree kvs
let rec find_child2 (Tr (root, children) as tree) key_val_list =
match children with
| [] -> Some tree
| _ ->
(match key_val_list with
| [] -> None
| (k, v)::kvs when root = k -> find_child2 (List.nth children (v - 1)) kvs
| _::kvs -> find_child2 tree kvs)

find_child函数在找到的第一个匹配处停止。因此评估find_child alb guida产量:

utop # find_child alb guida;;
- : int ntree option = Some (Tr (3, [Tr (9, []); Tr (7, []); Tr (10, [])]))


utop # find_child2 alb guida;;
- : int ntree option = Some (Tr (9, []))

find_child2进行一点重构,以清理它并处理可能发生的Failure "nth"异常:

let rec find_child3 (Tr (root, children) as tree) key_val_list =
match children, key_val_list with
| [], _ -> Some tree
| _, [] -> None
| _, (k, v)::kvs when root = k -> 
(match List.nth children (v - 1) with
| child -> find_child3 child kvs
| exception (Failure "nth") -> None)
| _, _::kvs -> find_child3 tree kvs
| exception Failure "nth" -> None

勾画出当我们评估find_child3 alb guida:时递归的样子

find_child3 alb guida
find_child3 (Tr(1,
[Tr(2,[leaf 3; leaf 4; leaf 2]);
Tr(5,[leaf 11; leaf 10]);
Tr(3,[leaf 9; leaf 7; leaf 10])])) 
find_child3 (Tr(3,[leaf 9; leaf 7; leaf 10])) 
find_child3 (Tr(3,[leaf 9; leaf 7; leaf 10])) 
find_child3 (leaf 9) [(10,1);(16,2);(11,2)]
Some (Tr (9, []))



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