

type TypedTree<TRootSchema, TChildSchema = TRootSchema> =
[K in keyof TRootSchema]: TRootSchema[K]
} | {
[key: string]: TypedTree<TChildSchema>
const $typeTest = <T>(v: T) => v
// @ts-expect-error Required properies must be present
$typeTest<TypedTree<{ a: number }>>({ })
// 👆 It fails



type Schema = Record<PropertyKey, unknown>
type SchemaTuple = [Schema, Schema]
type TypedTree2<
TSchema extends Schema | SchemaTuple,
TNodeKeys extends string = never,
_TInferredRootSchema_ extends Schema = TSchema extends SchemaTuple ? TSchema[0] : TSchema,
_TInferredChildSchema_ extends Schema = TSchema extends SchemaTuple ? TSchema[1] : TSchema
> = {
[K in keyof _TInferredRootSchema_]: _TInferredRootSchema_[K]
} & {
[K in TNodeKeys]?: TypedTree2<_TInferredChildSchema_, TNodeKeys>
$typeTest<TypedTree2<[{ a: number }, { a?: number }], 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz'>>({
a: 1,
foo: {
bar: {
baz: {
foo: {
a: 10
// @ts-expect-error Required properties must be present
$typeTest<TypedTree2<{ a: number }>>({ })
$typeTest<TypedTree2<{ a: number }>>({ a: 1 })
$typeTest<TypedTree2<{ a: number }, 'a_2' | 'a_3'>>({
a: 1,
a_2: {
a: 2,
a_3: {
a: 3
$typeTest<TypedTree2<{ a: number }, 'a_2' | 'a_3'>>({
a: 2,
// @ts-expect-error Child node keys must satisfy second type parameter
unknown_key: { a: 3}
