




ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0


我得到的比赛次数:1场比赛-(0-443(:我从Regex101 导出的比赛

. matches any character (except for line terminators)
+ matches the previous token between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
| matches the character | literally (case sensitive)
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
| matches the character | literally (case sensitive)
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
| matches the character | literally (case sensitive)
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
| matches the character | literally (case sensitive)
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
. matches any character (except for line terminators)
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
| matches the character | literally (case sensitive)
s matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [rntfv  ])
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
+? matches the previous token between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy)
. matches the character . literally (case sensitive)
d matches a digit (equivalent to [0-9])
, matches the character , literally (case sensitive)
Global pattern flags
g modifier: global. All matches (don't return after first match)
m modifier: multi line. Causes ^ and $ to match the begin/end of each line (not only begin/end of string)
0-443   ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 ...
Search reference
ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0
ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0
ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,```


  • w+:匹配1+字字符和:
  • .*?尽可能少地匹配字符
  • bd+(?:.d+)单词边界,匹配1位以上数字和可选小数部分
  • (?=,|$)断言右边的逗号或字符串末尾

Regex演示| Python演示

import re
from pprint import pprint
pattern = r"w+:.*?bd+(?:.d+)(?=,|$)"
s = "ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0"
pprint(re.findall(pattern, s))


['ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0',
'ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0',
'ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0',
'ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0',
'ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0',
'ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0',
'ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0',
'ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0',
'ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0']



import re
from pprint import pprint
pattern = r"(w+:[^|]+|sdds|(?:sd{4}s|){2}s.{2}d{4}s|s-?d+(?:.d+)?),"
s = "ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0,ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0,ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0"
pprint(list(filter(None, re.split(pattern, s))))


['ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0',
'ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0',
'ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0',
'ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0',
'ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0',
'ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0',
'ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0',
'ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0',
'ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400 | IT0000 | 720400.0']






0-60    ICS: Basic Maintenance | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0
60-126  ,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 30 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0
126-186 ,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 9000.0
186-252 ,ICMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 40 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -7650.0
252-313 ,ICS: Basic Maintenance | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 13500.0
313-379 ,ICS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 20 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -11475.0
379-442 ,ICCMS: Basic Maintenance | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | 12000.0
442-510 ,ICCMS: E-Rate discount (85%) | 70 | 5877 | 0000 | IT0000 | -10200.0


ITSM: Laptops, Desktops, Computers | 30 | 4400| 0000| IT0000 | 720400.0
