将"dictionary of dictionaries"列表转换为数据帧


lis = [{'Health and Welfare Plan + Change Notification': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'null',
'latest_test_result_date': 'null',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'Not Started',
'test_result': 'null'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Computations': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'null',
'latest_test_result_date': 'null',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'Not Started',
'test_result': 'null'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Data Agreements': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'Due to the Policy',
'latest_test_result_date': '2019-10-02',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'In Progress',
'test_result': 'null'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Data Elements': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'xxx',
'latest_test_result_date': '2019-10-02',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'In Progress',
'test_result': 'null'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Data Quality Monitoring': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'xxx',
'latest_test_result_date': '2019-08-09',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'Completed',
'test_result': 'xxx'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + HPU Source Reliability': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'xxx.',
'latest_test_result_date': '2019-10-02',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'In Progress',
'test_result': 'null'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Lineage': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'null',
'latest_test_result_date': 'null',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'Not Started',
'test_result': 'null'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Metadata': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'Valid',
'latest_test_result_date': '2020-07-02',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'Completed',
'test_result': 'xxx'}},
{'Health and Welfare Plan + Usage Reconciliation': {'evidence_capture': 'null',
'test_result_justification': 'Test out of scope',
'latest_test_result_date': '2019-10-02',
'last_updated_by': 'null',
'test_execution_status': 'In Progress',
'test_result': 'null'}}]


evidence_capture last_updated_by latest_test_result_date test_execution_status test_result test_result_justification            test_category
Change Notification                 null            null                    null           Not Started        null                      null  Health and Welfare Plan
Computations                        null            null                    null           Not Started        null                      null  Health and Welfare Plan
Data Agreements                     null            null              2019-10-02           In Progress        null         Due to the Policy  Health and Welfare Plan
Data Elements                       null            null              2019-10-02           In Progress        null                       xxx  Health and Welfare Plan
Data Quality Monitoring             null            null              2019-08-09             Completed         xxx                       xxx  Health and Welfare Plan
HPU Source Reliability              null            null              2019-10-02           In Progress        null                      xxx.  Health and Welfare Plan
Lineage                             null            null                    null           Not Started        null                      null  Health and Welfare Plan
Metadata                            null            null              2020-07-02             Completed         xxx                     Valid  Health and Welfare Plan
Usage Reconciliation                null            null              2019-10-02           In Progress        null         Test out of scope  Health and Welfare Plan


df3 = pd.DataFrame(lis[0])
for i in range(1, len(lis)):
df3 = pd.concat([df3, pd.DataFrame(lis[i])], axis=1)
df3.columns = [col.split(' + ')[1] for col in df3.columns]
df3 = df3.T
df3['test_category'] = 'Health and Welfare Plan'



pd.DataFrame({k.split(' + ')[1]: v for d in lis for k, v in d.items()}).T

evidence_capture test_result_justification latest_test_result_date last_updated_by test_execution_status test_result
Change Notification                 null                      null                    null            null           Not Started        null
Computations                        null                      null                    null            null           Not Started        null
Data Agreements                     null         Due to the Policy              2019-10-02            null           In Progress        null
Data Elements                       null                       xxx              2019-10-02            null           In Progress        null
Data Quality Monitoring             null                       xxx              2019-08-09            null             Completed         xxx
HPU Source Reliability              null                      xxx.              2019-10-02            null           In Progress        null
Lineage                             null                      null                    null            null           Not Started        null
Metadata                            null                     Valid              2020-07-02            null             Completed         xxx
Usage Reconciliation                null         Test out of scope              2019-10-02            null           In Progress        null


df = pd.DataFrame([list(e.values())[0] for e in lis])
df.index = map(lambda x: x.split('+')[-1].strip(), [list(e.keys())[0] for e in lis])


evidence_capture test_result_justification  ... test_execution_status test_result
Change Notification                 null                      null  ...           Not Started        null
Computations                        null                      null  ...           Not Started        null
Data Agreements                     null         Due to the Policy  ...           In Progress        null
Data Elements                       null                       xxx  ...           In Progress        null
Data Quality Monitoring             null                       xxx  ...             Completed         xxx
HPU Source Reliability              null                      xxx.  ...           In Progress        null
Lineage                             null                      null  ...           Not Started        null
Metadata                            null                     Valid  ...             Completed         xxx
Usage Reconciliation                null         Test out of scope  ...           In Progress        null
[9 rows x 6 columns]


data = []
ind = []
for e in lis:
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=ind)

您仍然可以使用df['test_category'] = 'Health and Welfare Plan'在末尾添加新列


import pandas as pd
dic = {}
for e in lis:
dic[list(e.keys())[0]] = list(e.values())[0]
df3 = pd.DataFrame(dic)
df3.columns = [col.split('+')[-1].strip() for col in df3.columns]
df3 = df3.T
df3['test_category'] = 'Health and Welfare Plan'
