如果我上传的文件与条件不匹配,Catch 块不会捕获错误

$Source='c:uploadtool*'  #Source Location 
$RetailDest= "D:ToolUploadRetail-EIP" #1st Destination Location 
$GroupDest= "D:ToolUploadGroup-EIP"   #2nd Destination location
$RetailBack="D:ToolUploadRetail-EIP*"  #Backup location which copy the existing file if the file match to Retail-EIP.
$GroupBack="D:ToolUploadGroup-EIP*"    # 2nd Backup location which copy the existing file if the file match to Group-EIP.
$Backupdata="D:Backup"   #Backup Location
$filename = Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -File -Force -Recurse
#$logname=New-Item "D:logsuploadlog_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd').txt" -ItemType file -Force

$logname="D:logsuploadlog_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd').txt"

$checkLocalFolderExist = Test-Path -Path $lognamefolder

$checkLocalFileExist = Test-Path -Path $logname  -PathType Leaf
if(-NOT $checkLocalFolderExist)
New-Item -Path $lognamefolder -ItemType Directory

if(-NOT $checkLocalFileExist)
New-Item -Path $logname -ItemType File

echo "              " (Get-Date) | Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru

echo "Copying file start" |  Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru

echo "Source is:$filename" | Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru

echo  "File size = "($filename).Length  | Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru

echo "               " | Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru

$ArchiveData = New-Item -Path "$Backupdatabackup_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHMM')" -Force -ItemType Directory
foreach($file in $filename)
if($file -match "Retail-EIP")

Move-Item -Path $RetailBack -Destination $ArchiveData
echo "File has been backed up :$ArchiveData" | Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru 
Move-Item -Path $fname -Destination $RetailDest
echo "File has been upload to Retail Platform: $RetailDest" |Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru |Format-Table


if($file -match "Group-EIP")

Move-Item -Path $GroupBack -Destination $ArchiveData
echo "File has been backed up :$ArchiveData" | Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru 
Move-Item -Path $fname -Destination $GroupDest 
echo "File has been upload to Group Platform: $GroupDest" |Add-Content -Path $logname -PassThru | Format-Table
catch  # Catch statement doesn't produce the error and capture in the log file.
Write-output "Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorAction Stop | Add-Content $logname -passthru
  1. 我正在尝试从源位置复制文件,并将现有文件备份到备份位置,所有的设置和脚本都按预期工作,但我只想改变一些事情,比如


如前所述,为了能够使用try{}..catch{},您需要在实际上可以抛出异常的cmdlet(如两个Move-Item cmdlet(上添加ErrorAction Stop,以便也捕获非终止异常。



  1. 从源文件夹(包括子文件夹(中获取所有文件,其中文件名包含"零售EIP"或"集团EIP">
  2. 对于这些文件中的每一个,都有一个在$GroupDest$RetailDest中定义的备份目标文件夹
  3. 我在这些备份文件夹中的任何一个中,具有该名称的文件已经存在,需要将其移动到$ArchiveData中定义的存档文件夹中
  4. 然后应该将文件从其源文件夹移动到目标文件夹
  5. 您希望移动被封装在try{}..catch{}结构中,这样任何异常都可以被捕获
  6. 日志应该作为结构化对象进行维护,这样您就可以在屏幕上和文件中都以表的形式输出


$Source      = 'C:uploadtool'               # Source Location
$RetailDest  = 'D:ToolUploadRetail-EIP'    # 1st Destination Location
$GroupDest   = 'D:ToolUploadGroup-EIP'     # 2nd Destination location
$ArchiveData = 'D:Backupbackup_{0:yyyyMMddHHmm}' -f (Get-Date)
$LogFolder   = 'D:logs'
# because of your wish to get a Table-style log, use CSV format you can open in Excel
$LogFile     = 'D:logsuploadlog_{0:yyyyMMdd}.csv'-f (Get-Date)
# make sure the output LogFolder exist
# by adding the -Force switch there is no need to use Test-Path first, because if
# the folder already exists, the cmdlet will return the DirectoryInfo of that,
# otherwise it will create a new folder. Since we dont want output, we use $null = ..
$null = New-Item -Path $LogFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
# loop through the files in the source folder and collect the outputted objects
$result = Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -Include '*Group-EIP*', '*Retail-EIP*' -File -Force -Recurse | 
ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Processing file '$($_.FullName)'"
# create an object with (for now) 3 empty properties
$out = $_ | Select-Object @{Name = 'Date'; Expression = {(Get-Date)}},
@{Name = 'Source'; Expression = {$_.FullName}},
@{Name = 'FileSize'; Expression = {$_.Length}},
Destination,                                     # depends on the file name
@{Name = 'Archive'; Expression = {'N/A'}},       # initialize to Not Applicable
# depending on its name, get the correct destination folder
$destFolder = if($_.Name -match "Retail-EIP") { $RetailDest } else { $GroupDest }
# create the backup destination folder if it didn't already exist
# the first file in column 'Source' is now responsible for creating the backup folder
$null = New-Item -Path $destFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
# get the full path and filename for the destination
$existingFile = Join-Path -Path $destFolder -ChildPath $_.Name -PathType Leaf
# add the destination folder to the output object
$out.Destination = $destFolder
try {
# if a file with that name already exists in the destination, move it to the Archive folder
if (Test-Path -Path $existingFile -PathType Leaf) {
# create the Archive folder if it didn't already exist
$null = New-Item -Path $ArchiveData -ItemType Directory -Force
Move-Item -Path $existingFile -Destination $ArchiveData -ErrorAction Stop -WhatIf
# add the archived file to the output object
$out.Archive = $existingFile
Write-Host "File '$existingFile' has been backed-up to '$ArchiveData'"
# next move the file from the source folder to its destination (either $RetailDest or $GroupDest)
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $destFolder -ErrorAction Stop -WhatIf
$out.Result = 'OK'
Write-Host "File '$($_.FullName)' has been moved to '$destFolder'"
catch {
# ouch.. something went horribly wrong on a Move-Item action
Write-Warning "An error occurred: $_.Exception.Message"
$out.Result = "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
# output the object so it gets collected in variable $result
# now you can save the results as structured CSV file to open in Excel
$result | Export-Csv -Path $LogFile -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation -Append
# and display on screen using Out-GridView as the data will probably be too wide for Format-Table
$result | Out-GridView -Title 'Backup results'





