

我面临一个非常奇怪的问题,在我的应用程序中,我们自定义了弹出按钮(从NSPopupButton继承(。当我使用Apple Script访问弹出项时,脚本无法从弹出列表中选择任何值。



click menu button "Car" of window 1 of application process "My Sample Application" of application "System Events"
key code 125 //I am using these to navigate down the list
delay 1
key code 125 //I am using these to navigate down the list
delay 1
key code 125 //I am using these to navigate down the list
delay 3
key code 36 //This line simulated ENTER/Return key (or NOT?)

我也尝试过在Apple Script 中运行此命令

--set xxx to value of every button of menu button "Car" of window 1 of application process "LG Calibration Studio" of application "System Events"


我是Apple Script的新手,在这个领域没有太多知识。感谢您的帮助。提前感谢:(




tell application "Pages"
-- activate -- Not necessary until you want to act upon the window
tell application "System Events" to tell front window of application process "Pages"
UI elements -- generate list of window's ui elements
properties of splitter group 1 -- the first element in the list (branch 1)
UI elements of splitter group 1 -- generate list of first branch
-- entire contents
end tell
end tell

命令1 的部分结果

{splitter group 1 of window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of application "System Events", button 1 of window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of application "System Events", button 2 of window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of application "System Events"}

命令2 的部分结果

{minimum value:missing value, orientation:missing value, position:{40, 22}}

命令3 的部分结果

{scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of application "System Events", static text "0 Comments & Changes" of splitter group 1 of window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of application "System Events", button "Comment" of splitter group 1 of window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of application "System Events"}

使用ui elements,您可以通过自己的方式处理窗口中的无数界面对象。您也可以要求提供特定的属性,例如name of every pop up button。最后,您可以使用entire contents获得所有ui元素的列表。



它随着XCode的版本而变化,所以没有必要太详细(我在XCode 9上(,但一旦它启动,点击左上角的"所有进程"下拉按钮,它应该会列出打开的应用程序;从该列表中选择"页面"。

需要注意的几点是:底部是元素的层次结构,它可以帮助确定要对哪个对象执行操作。每一行的括号中的文本都引用了对象的类,但文本并不总是文本(例如,脚本应该使用"window"而不是"standard window"(。



tell pop up button 2 of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of ¬
window "Untitled" of application process "Pages" of ¬
application "System Events" to perform action "AXPress"
delay 0.5
keystroke "i"
key code 36

