






#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
//GLOBAL SCOPE, all loops and other boxes can use these
//Declaration variables w cout & cin.
int playerNumber;
string playerNames;
bool flag = true;
cout << "How many players are there: ";
cin >> playerNumber;
cout << endl;
//Array Declaration.
string playerList[playerNumber][2]; //Dynamic array. changes during program runtime.
int points[playerNumber]; //Dynamic array. Changes during runtime
//GLOBAL SCOPE, all loops and other boxes can use these

//Assigning values to arrays now.
cout << "Enter the players names: " << endl;
//Assigns player name to each row.
for(int i = 0; i < playerNumber; i++){
cin >> playerNames;
playerList[i][0] = playerNames; //Assigns players name to the array
cout << "Player " << i + 1 << ": " << playerList[i][0] << endl;

int choice = 0; //Always reverts back to zero to prevent addition error.
int pointsValue = 0; //Always reverts back to zero to prevent addition error.
cout << "Press 0 to end game, if not, enter player number: " << endl;
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 0){ //Exit out of the while loop
flag = false;
else if(cin.fail()){
cout << "Not a number. Try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(256, 'n');
else if(choice < 0 || choice > playerNumber){
cout << "Choice is less than 0 or greater than player count. Try again." << endl;

cout << "Enter points: " << endl;
cin >> pointsValue;
cout << endl;
points[choice - 1] += pointsValue; //Assigns points to points array
playerList[choice - 1][1] = (to_string(points[choice - 1])); //Assigns points to playerNumber.
cout << endl;
cout << "END OF JEOPARDY. HERE ARE THE POINTS!!!" << endl;
cout << endl;
//Current points for each player
//Shows their name and points
for(int i = 0; i < playerNumber; i++){ //Loops so that player name and points are displayed
string playerName = playerList[i][0];
string totalPoints = playerList[i][1];
cout << playerName << " points: " << totalPoints << endl;
return 0;


string playerList[playerNumber][2];
int points[playerNumber];





int points[playerNumber];  // This is an array of random numbers.
// Sure if you are doing a debug build the
// compiler may be nice and just set all the
// values to zero as speed is not important
// during debugging. But on a release build
// these could be any value.



int points[10] = {0};  // but your variable size stuff
// will stop working for that.
// so you will have to manually initialize the members
int points[playerNumber];
for(int loop = 0; loop < playerNumber; ++loop) {
points[loop] = 0;


std::vector<int> points(playerNumber,0); // Size and initial value.
// Though you don't need the
// initial value as vector will
// zero init members.


cin >> pointsValue;


if ( std::cin >> pointValue) {
// The read worked `pointsValue` has valid user input
else {
// The read faild.
// We don't know what the user input should be


std::string  line;
if (std::get(std::cin, line)) {
// We have a line of user input.
std::stringstream lineStream(std::move(line));
int choice;
if (lineStream >> choice) {
// We have a valid choice from the user.
// or do we. If the user entered `2x` is that valid input?
// because `choice` is 2; but there is still `x` on the
// input stream.
// That's a choice for you as the developer to make.
// if you don't care, then you have valid input. If you do
// care then you need to check there is no bad data on
// the line.
else {
// invalid choice
else {
// The user input stream just ended.
// This could mean the user entered the end-of-stream character
// or if the user had connected some other stream to the
// standard input on the command line and there is no more
// data to read.


if(choice == 0){ //Exit out of the while loop
flag = false;
else if(cin.fail()){
// If you failed to read data from the std::cin
// the the value of `choice` is probably zero 
// (if I remember my standard correctly) so the
// first branch of the if tree will be entered
// and you will never enter this branch.
cout << "Not a number. Try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(256, 'n');
