
当我运行下面的代码时,我遇到了一个错误,错误指出"订阅超出范围"。当我调试时,它跳转到"Set WSNew = wsmain . worksheets ("sheetName") '设置WSNEW为新的sheetName"线。



Option Explicit
Public WBMAIN As Workbook
Public WSmain As Worksheet
Public WSvl As Worksheet
Public WSNew As Worksheet
Sub Main()
Dim OBdate As String, amount As String, yesno As String, yesno2 As String ' All Variables
Dim OLDr As Long, OLDc As Long, NEWr As Long, NEWc As Long, sheetName As String
Dim VLookupResult As String, complexName As String
Dim FilePath As String
OLDc = 2  ' First Sheet Column
NEWr = 1  ' New Sheet Row
NEWc = 1  ' New Sheet Column
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.path ' File path for this workbook
Set WBMAIN = Workbooks("EVO_MOD") ' set WBMAIN to the entire workbook
Set WSmain = WBMAIN.Worksheets("EVO MOD FORM") ' set WSmain to the first worksheet
Set WSvl = WBMAIN.Worksheets("Vlookup") ' set the Vlookup for the acc no.

complexName = WSmain.Cells(2, 2) ' Complex Name Cell
OBdate = WSmain.Cells(1, 2) ' Date Cell
WBMAIN.Activate ' Activates WBmain
sheetName = "EVO_" + complexName ' Sheet Name
Sheets.Add.Name = sheetName
Set WSNew = WBMAIN.Worksheets(sheetName) ' Set WSNEW to the new sheetName
For OLDr = 13 To 200 ' for 200 lines in the main sheet
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, OLDc) = 0 Then GoTo exitthis
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, OLDc) <> 0 Then
VLookupResult = Application.VLookup(WSmain.Cells(OLDr, OLDc), WSvl.Range("A2:B200"), 2, False)
'Collect amount and detirmine if debit or credit
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 4) <> " " Then
amount = WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 4) ' If Credit is Empty do
yesno = "Y"
yesno2 = "N"
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 5) <> " " Then ' if Debit is empty , do
amount = WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 5)
yesno = "N"
yesno2 = "Y"
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 5) = " " & WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 4) = " " Then GoTo exitthis ' if both cells are blank , skip to exitthis
End If

WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 1) = OBdate                   ' Assigning 2 lines of code that prints to WSNew
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 2) = "OB " + OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 3) = "OB " + OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 4) = amount
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 5) = "N"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 8) = "0"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 10) = VLookupResult
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 11) = yesno

NEWr = NEWr + 1

WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 1) = OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 2) = "OB " + OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 3) = "OB"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 4) = amount
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 5) = "N"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 8) = "0"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 10) = "9990>001"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 11) = yesno2
End If
End If
Next OLDr
' Start creating CSV
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
'Check if Directory exists
' Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim path As String
Dim mycsvfilename As String
mycsvfilename = ThisWorkbook.path & "EvolutionCSV"

Set WSNew = ActiveWorkbook
With WSNew
.SaveAs Filename:=mycsvfilename, FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
' .Close
End With
SetAttr mycsvfilename, vbReadOnly
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub



Set WSNew = WBMAIN.Worksheets(sheetName)


Set WSNew = WBMAIN.Sheets.Add
WSNew.Name = sheetName


For OLDr = 13 To 200 ' for 200 lines in the main sheet
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, OLDc) = 0 Then GoTo exitthis
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, OLDc) <> 0 Then

VLookupResult = Application.VLookup(WSmain.Cells(OLDr, OLDc), WSvl.Range("A2:B200"), 2, False)
'Collect amount and detirmine if debit or credit
If WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 4) <> " " Then
amount = WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 4) ' If Credit is Empty do
yesno = "Y"
yesno2 = "N"
ElseIf WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 5) <> " " Then ' if Debit is empty , do
amount = WSmain.Cells(OLDr, 5)
yesno = "N"
yesno2 = "Y"
GoTo exitthis ' if both cells are blank , skip to exitthis
End If

WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 1) = OBdate                   ' Assigning 2 lines of code that prints to WSNew
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 2) = "OB " + OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 3) = "OB " + OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 4) = amount
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 5) = "N"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 8) = "0"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 10) = VLookupResult
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 11) = yesno

NEWr = NEWr + 1

WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 1) = OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 2) = "OB " + OBdate
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 3) = "OB"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 4) = amount
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 5) = "N"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 8) = "0"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 10) = "9990>001"
WSNew.Cells(NEWr, 11) = yesno2
End If
Next OLDr
