


df1 = pd.read_csv("table0.csv")
df2 = pd.read_csv("table1.csv")
LINE_NUMBER_table0 = [ ] # Initialize an empty list where we will add the number of row of table0
LINE_NUMBER_table1 = [ ] # Initialize an empty list where we will add the number of row of table1
TIME_DIFFERENCE = [ ] # Initialize an empty list where we will add the time difference between the row i of table0 and the row j of tabele1
for i in range(1000) :
for j in range(1000) :
LINE_NUMBER_table0.append(i) # Add the number of row i of table0
LINE_NUMBER_table1.append(j) # Add the number of row j of table1 
timedifference = df1["mjd"][i] - df2["MJD"][j] # Calculate the time difference between row i and row j
TIME_DIFFERENCE.append(timedifference) # Add this time difference to the list TIME_DIFFERENCE


import numpy as np
df1 = pd.read_csv("table0.csv")
df2 = pd.read_csv("table1.csv")
tmp = np.arange(1000)
LINE_NUMBER_table0 = np.repeat(tmp, 1000)
LINE_NUMBER_table1 = np.tile(tmp, 1000)
df1_mjd = np.repeat(df1["mjd"].to_numpy(), 1000)
df2_MJD = np.tile(df2["MJD"].to_numpy(), 1000)
TIME_DIFFERENCE = df1_mjd - df2_MJD

